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Everything posted by Trizium

  1. Trizium

    Staff report

    Leaning towards - Support, This has nothing to do with him being staff not only that but there is no proof added to the post about him lying. I wanna hear from @Glaze.
  2. + Support, Most trusted man on the server give this man ET
  3. Accepted Please contact an FTO for training.
  4. Accepted Please contact an FTO for training.
  5. Accepted Please contact an FTO for training.
  6. Accepted Please contact an FTO for training.
  7. + Support, we need Spixe events back
  8. I deny the deny that denyed the the deny
  9. - Support, From what I have seen in-game you've been very obnoxious to me and other people and I don't believe people like that should have such a job like this one.
  10. Accepted Contact an FTO for trianing.
  11. Accepted Please contact an FTO for training.
  12. Trizium

    Giga's D5 app

  13. ACCEPTED Please contact an FTO for training!
  14. + Support, Fuck the format we need LLH RIGHT NOW
  15. ROA or LOA: ROA Name: Trizium Rank: ET member Start Date: 10/15/22 End Date: 10/30/22 Reason: Busy with Delta-5, Staffing, and IRL stuff at the moment.
  16. + Support, Everything Ozzie said x2
  17. + Support, The most qualified man I know in security. My man carrying wardens on his back.
  18. + Support, A great trusted member of D5. I don't see a reason not to give him Guardian
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