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Everything posted by Pure

  1. Ong also do they would stop bitching (not trying to be rude) but they seem to do it a lot just because they are “neutral” so they have “different” rules
  2. didnt u just get banned lmfao
  3. Pure

    Kari's Resignation

    Damn cya wish I could of seen you grow in Nu7 ;-;
  4. Depends on the situation, your not supposed to deny entry unless no ID is provided the only people who shouldn’t be in HCZ are E11 and D5 unless they are looking for someone If there are issue with people In any branch take it to cmd or HCMD
  5. LMFAO I remember seeing this when it was made
  6. +support if this happens HCMD and CMD comms should could be used more often
  7. This has to be the stupidest idea ever hell no
  8. Bro you are on crack that would kill the server, NO ONE should wait 15 mins for NLR and a reason? Your being held that is your reason for rioting
  9. -support this is seems like a Issue for Snar more than anything, I suggest putting it in CC Reports
  10. Pure

    Trizium's dead fr

    Bro came back for like 2 weeks smh ;-; see you soon!
  11. Pure

    Giga's Death FR

    Didn’t actually got better, had my ups and downs but I only planned to come back for a bit lol, but Nu7 VCMDR happened and I’m grateful
  12. Is this an alt joined same day this comment was made
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