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Everything posted by Domino

  1. +Support The elevator never gets used, and this could potentially make it more usable.
  2. If somebody's is body blocking im throwing a gernade.
  3. Lore Name: Domino Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:446137628 Rank: LR Activity Level: 7/10
  4. who told you could have done that?, you should have went to a staff member and asked them if it was allowed it seems it was more your fault.
  5. -Support YOU NEED EVIDENCE Without any evidence nobody can even give any thought to your claim.
  6. Bruh imagine not getting command +support good luck.
  7. well i guess the tunnel isn't a secret now.
  8. +support it is in the evidence.
  9. Hope you give him atleast a second shot at it.
  10. Well its gonna be a huge change from different community's So with SCP RP, you spawn in as a dboy as a dboy you are in a prison your goals are to escape or just be tested on there's alot of fun with being tested on. there are branches within SCP RP to make it easier to understand I'll separate the branches into combatant and noncombatant with combatant branches these branches are Security, NU7, E11, chaos military with these branches they all deal with combat on a daily basis as for security their goal is dblock their job is to make sure you do not escape and also help out researchers with tests, Security, NU7 and e11 both work together their jobs are very different, so with Nu7 and e11 there main job is to deal with scps and GOI or groups of interest with these scps they are anomalous so that means they have something that makes them have some sort of ability and with ability they are called SCPs these scps are very dangerous, or the friendliest things on earth really ranges from scp to another scp, with chaos there mission isnt well know but ingame they help you escape from dblock and if your lucky you may be able to join chaos, now onto noncombatants unlike combatants they are not stoping danger and are unlikely to end up shooting you inless you harm them first with those noncombatants there are 3 different branches research, medical and maintenance, we have medical with medical they do rp based around medical i know kinda self explanatory there are pretty damn fun if your into medical rp, then we have maintenance they build contraptions and all sorts of cool stuff they help out with research and with the other branches same with medical, research does tests on scps those tests are unquestionably fun to participate in really but alot of times your gonna end up dead somehow, i really recommend to see the rules before you do any thing and the way to check is doing !motd in the chat when your in game but incase you dont do so i'll cover the more basic rules first we have rdm when your on a dclass dont murder another dclass only murder everyone else, dont meta game that means if you die you dont retain that information in your previous life so if you know a scp that killed you dont warn others about that scp in that one particular life dont be racist/homophone and or sexist or just dont be toxic your able to join most branches by just going to the F4 menu and looking for the trainee job for that branch but do know that E11 requires you to get a bronze rank in which costs money and nu7 you either have to get the rank of CPL in Security and do a tryout or just apply on the forums, i could go on and on but this is just the basic information about SCP-RP. PS to answer your questions in my experience scp rp is very fun and is nice to play on, there are a ton of minges but its all in good fun, community is great but we did have a issue with staff not just a bit ago. if you have any further questions just contact me i'll be able to answer them, hoped that helped you and have a good day.
  11. +support Sounds like a excellent idea,
  12. +support Fuck yeah, I hate it when I'm shooting a dclass or something and when my character moves from getting shot I accidentally gun down 2 or 3 of them also it messes with aim. and blinds a person a option to turn it off would be nice.
  13. Wait so there was a sound for keycards this entire time bruh.
  14. + Support The biggest issue is the warns but other than that hes a good person and i feel that he is Qualified for staff.
  15. +support +Has previous experience as a Major. +Takes a lot of effort into his events. +and is active.
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