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Everything posted by Domino

  1. Hes at 16 now as of making this post.
  2. Wouldn't see why not its boring when your put in a cell and cant get out for a solid 20 minutes or more.
  3. Best way to learn how to use knifes just fight people that have knifes.
  4. What is your in-game name?: Domino 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:446137628 3. Current Rank in Security: SFC 4. Time on the server: 5 Weeks 5. Current level: 74 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 6 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: None 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: Night soil and blood stream 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes loud and clear 10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes 100 percent 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): Why do I think I deserve to be a security juggernaut? why because I have a lot of experience in dealing with D-class that tend to try to murder security, I have fought in a lot of situations where regular fighter power wasn't strong enough to handle dclass, Etc like chaos entering dblock and killing everything in there and saving dclass or when a bunch of Custom classes working together in order to escape or even when there is a good amount of scps within light containment zone, I personally think that I would be excellent for the job as it is much fun for me to stop those riots/scps within LCZ, and stop those customs classes from gaining a foothold with those riots. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: The M60 machine gun, just walk up to them and shoot them.
  5. Nice how long did it take you to make this?
  6. Gotta agree would make a great member in Red Right hand +1 Support.
  7. That would be fun especially when it is dark, could add more RP elements.
  8. Yeah, whenever I do a test when I'm on a research whitelist it takes an extra 2 minutes just to scroll down.
  9. Post name: “General Suggestion - Quality of life update” What are you suggesting? - I'm just suggesting that we make research more clumped up in the tab Menu so that it isn't messing with any of the other branches. How would this change better the server? - Makes research more cleaner to look at and can make it easier to count and less of a eye sore. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None Who would this change mostly benefit? - Research Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -
  10. Name: Domino Rank: CPL Timezone: EST FTO (Y/N): (N) Discord#1234: Kaz#2572 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: None Do you wish to remain apart of Military?: Yes
  11. Name: Domino SteamID: STEAM_0:0:446137628 Current Rank: LR Time in Research (Estimate): 1 Month Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): Personally i believe that i should be in command after all i'm here almost every day playing on the server usually on the research whitelist doing trainings for research as often as i can, but for me i have a passion for doing tests and seeing the outcome of those tests it's always fun seeing the dclass reactions to being testing on and being able to make up new scenarios with SCPs, i'm a competent researcher if i see a JR or a higher rank doing something wrong or just not allowed in the server i'll talk to them about what they are doing wrong it could be Rdm,NLR,failrp or just not following the research SOP you name it, though depends on what they are doing wrong, i'll try my best to try to steer them onto the right path if they are just in research just to minge i won't hesitate to kick them out. What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement): what can i bring to the table im very active on the server and on teamspeak and discord even when im on those im able to answer questions. , generally a lot of people know me within the branch i have a good reputation, but the one thing that separates me from other candidates is that i have a love for the sub branches for me i wish that more people would join a subranch like RIS or HMR everytime that i check tab and see nobody playing as a sub branch, it pains me because they are losing out on more RP scenarios,. I have various ideas on how to improve them and how to increase activity within them. I'm able to commit lots of time into research trying my best in order to improve on it in any way shape or form. What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement): How would i better research and increase activity well there are a lot of ways i could do so but my priorites are to do mass tests not the regular 682 run of the mill type mass tests those types of tests gets boring after awhile, but the type of mass test on scps that most people dont know and require event team to do, so that people dont expect the same scp, another way i would try to get more activity in research it would be to host game nights maybe put in a bit of cash to whoever joins in games like roblox, minecraft, SCP laboratory, and host some PT's maybe cow boy styled pt what ever comes to my mind. PS i'll try my best in order for research to succeed. never has been striked
  12. +Support Good guy trained me Pros Knows the branch very calm Knows how to deal with JR's that are mingeing Active in game Not a minge Cons Could be a bit more active on research Jobs You sure you dont have a full plate being a Staff member and being part of Staff And the event team?
  13. -support I hate when that little thing is healing the op.
  14. +Support Love the idea Researcher as a whole gets very boring when you cannot do any tests because its a code black/red and sometimes the code black/red persists for 20 minutes or more When i was a JR-ADV R i hated every single time i had to be put in the bunks because of a code black/red every single time i had to be in there i debated to myself to just give up on being a Researcher. not only that this idea gives more opportunes to RIS (Researcher Intelligence Sentinels) units to do there Job Same with HMR (Hazardous materials researcher) more RP could occur. This would really benefit researchers. and also dclass as they dont get shot up every second. though JR's could minge with it but overall its a good idea
  15. Lore Name: Domino Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:446137628 Rank: Lead Researcher Activity Level: 10 imagine not being active.
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