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The Real Slim Nova

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Everything posted by The Real Slim Nova

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oR4GdzXvQbTJ29z6-NA5TkYVkgZFQD4eWvSp15-kRck/edit - Format by Lead Researcher Cyclone
  2. +Support Dick Grayson does a good job on normal security, so juggernaut would be insane
  3. You can switch to keys, and go to 5208 swep.
  4. Alright, quoting off what Bulborb said, shooting people with guns as SCP-912 is FailRP. Then you leave the game, thats leaving to avoid punishment.
  5. +Support -Staff experience -Active on the server -Application has effort. -Overall fit for staff
  6. -Support -Mass pinged the COMMUNITY OWNER. -Obviously knew what he was doing, after doing it twice. -You should've read the rules.
  7. +Support As stated from many people, the JR being allowed to roam, and exit Research Bunk's would not be acceptable. But one thing I would agree with is how often Code Black, and Code Red is called. And as @OWNED stated, JR's and AR's are introduced into the branch onto a watch period; Basically to figure out their behaviour. Letting them roam would not be a great idea.
  8. Name: Nova Rank: SFC SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:554693485 Current Sub-Branches your in: FTO, Sniper, Riot Control, K9, and Warden. Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Nope.
  9. Hello. You might've seen me on forums, or in-game. My name is Nova, previously Kain Crow. I prefer Nova, but calling me Crow is fine. I am a pretty chill guy, I keep my calm. Not really that much 'bout me.
  10. -Support While it does seem like you could've recovered your trust within the community, it's only been 6 months. I feel like more time should be given towards regaining trust while playing Gaminglight. And the main thing is, you were staff. You should've known what to do, if you read the staff handbook more specifically. Staff are specifically trained for dealing with the utmost more serious events, and they are expected to be professional; Atleast the SMT team expects it. If you can't properly take yourself in, following the handbook, and using staff powers only when absolutely needed, then I cannot give a +Support. More specifically not using your staff abilities to a max in RP is a gigantic rule within the staff handbook, if properly read you would understand a little more. And adding on to what Sparkle said, on your first day you were reported. It's not like a pill; You don't just take it and say "Well, second chances are great, right?". That's not how life works. With utmost respect -- Nova
  11. +Support Active within the server Has experience within moderation Been in the community for a while Overall good application
  12. Dont worry, nobody will make fun of you for returning from a ban.
  13. -Support To start it off, it is your account, you are responsible for it. Second, I feel as if this is just a false appeal, even I have done that before in multiple occasions, and I have learned its wrong to say someone randomly came and did it. Third, I feel as if more effort shall be placed, just saying "Can I get unbanned, I didnt do it," isnt enough. You can apologize, give more information, or anything that makes it seem like you are actually sorry.
  14. Agreeing with this, and going off of it too. Dick Grayson tried to act like a great mod, but from this video, I changed my mind.
  15. +Support I like seeing MOTD changes, and it helps new-comers, and prevents them from warning, bans, jails, and kicks.
  16. +Support Well, it may be small, but its useful. Helps people understand more.
  17. Unfortunately, this is gonna be a -Support Well due to the general rules of SCP's not being allowed into armory, I kind of doubt it would be changed. Second, this would probably get SCP-912 killed (I believe hes killable). And third, D-Class already get pissed when an SCP, MTF, or GENSEC run next to them, what makes you think they would be happy with SCP-912 running in there, cuffing them?
  18. +Support Well, to start it off; Guns are really good, and the workshop item looks sick.
  19. +Support. Using words that came from here; SCP's have been killed multiple times from bunks, or areas that they can be shot from, but cannot attack at. It makes it unfair, and easier for them to be killed.
  20. +Support While this may upset MTF, like stated here; It is still very necessary in situations. Killing them is way too easy. 150 health for a group of soldiers? I mean its really up to SMT+ so I wouldnt really complain.
  21. +Support After training 2 people, I felt exhausted due to the various gunshots, yelling, and all that stuff. The trainee later complained about it, which gives research a horrible feedback.
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