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The Real Slim Nova

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Everything posted by The Real Slim Nova

  1. A month lol On a real note, I've been here for a month. what the fu- That means that im cool, and yea. So to be serious again, my goal is to become command in every single bran- ok, maybe only Nu7 and Security because why not? and then become a Senior Admin in staff because yea. Ok thats it
  2. +/- Support Has been some time, but the rules violated are SPECIFICALLY, stated in the handbook.
  3. +Support NLR Broken Player Diss Metagaming/Powergaming
  4. Bruh, you were one of the best security ive seen, have fun on Nu7
  5. -Support First off, Shlog, why are you saying people have stretch marks, and that they are fat? You cant really expect to be able to do that your whole life and get away with it. Like said, your comments on peoples weight was not acceptable, and deserved a sweet warning. He may've muted you for around 10 minutes, but the thing is, you continued to talk about peoples weight, when warned. Now shlog, tell me why this staff report should be accepted? After all this, I believe cosmic should not be restricted from staff. Hope to see ya with a great response. - From, Nova.
  6. "bro yall need some trigger discipline"
  7. -Support Follow the format
  8. In-Game Name: Nova Steam Name: [GL] Nova SteamID: STEAM_0:0:554693485 What is your staff rank in Gaminglight? Moderator in SCPRP. How often are you on TeamSpeak? 9/10. How often do you use discord? 10/10 Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? The reason I would like to join the Support Team is because I enjoy helping people in-game, on teamspeak, and discord. I've been on this server for around 2-4 months, taking a small break, but I have seen a lot of people requesting support, but nobody gets to them, so I would like to help anyone in need of assistance. I enjoy making Gaminglight a better place, no matter what. I am a great problem solver in-game, and in real life. I am a night person, due to my timezone being GMT+2, and I believe thats a great benefit. I also want to go more in-depth within the staff community, and I believe joining support will help me achieve that. From my experience with other support team members, I have learned how to solve situations, and I want to pay-back to the community, and support team members for all their great actions, and to do that I would require to become a Support Team member. On multiple occasions people may be confused, and thats where I can step in. There are also moments where things are abstract to the community, especially new-comers, so greeting them into the community would be great. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? There are multiple ways I can benefit the support team, one of them being my activity. I am mainly on all day, and that benefits the team in a way of showing I can always be on to take support tickets. Next reason is because I always try to act professional, which makes the support staff team look great. Next one is because I know how to answer questions, no matter what it is, I always manage to find a answer. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels? Well first off, I would say hello, my name is Nova. I hope you are having a great day/night so far, what is the issue today? Varying off the issue, I will provide a fix, or an answer.
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tuv9RZEqjY7FU1lk--Z8KNxeLUuiLHI_uymD2PWdVEE/edit
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cHS8Xo8AH2PF5KYjJA79Xx13IFnoW-jAQ90TMqY1UWA/edit
  11. This is my first video log, and sorry if the drawing is bad, I dont really draw on computer.
  12. -Support 1: Just use the random channel. 2: Dont really see a benefit, you just said you can send clips. 3: I dont see a point in this.
  13. +Support 1: Even if im not Silver, I wouldn't want to scream at some random person who doesn't know the common sense of turning up voice chat volume. 2: "035 IS OUT!!" "SHUT THE HELL UP, I TURNED YOU" "Oh shi-" 3: Why not? Its a easy change. 4: Yea
  14. -Support 1: Like stated, "It would help fat fucks lose weight" is not a valid reason. 2: "Piss babies would get angry walking 8 flights of stairs every death." Exactly, why would I want to walk 8 flights of stairs? 3: Reasonings are not really valid. 4: What makes you think SMT+ would spend their time changing a elevator into stairs? 5: I don't think their piss-babies because they don't want to exercise in a virtual game. 6: GENSEC get time to do "shit" in bunks, while waiting NLR. 7: no
  15. Void the LTAP in the E11 warn, it was false. He timed out.
  16. +Support While I do believe that the armor isnt great, the health seem enough. Overall, I believe changing the armor should be the main focus.
  17. -Support Event team guidelines show no restrictions within this event, so I give this a -Support. Another reason is because you have 0 evidence. If you wanted to make it known that it happend, bring it to a Senior Event Team, or staff. As Pills said, they can break out using !uncuff, so thats also no valid reason to report someone. Make sure you read the event team guidelines before you make a report on this type of stuff. While I do understand, you were confused; you should not automatically make a report. - Nova
  18. 1. What is your in-game name?: Nova 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:554693485 3. Current Rank in Security: MSGT 4. Time on the server: 2 weeks 5. Current level: 55 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 10 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: Nope. 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: MAJ Coolcaz, MAJ bugisbugis, Previously 2LT, but now WO Bloodstream 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes. 10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes. 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): Well, to start it off, I have active experience with crowd control, especially from overlooking other juggernauts, and learning from some of them. And also, trigger discipline helps me ensure I would hit a certain D-Class within D-Block. As I try to attend most PT's, which pretty much all of them have trigger discipline. As I am also good on my normal Junior NCO job, being a juggernaut gives a little boost. I understand as a juggernaut that I am to guard, and secure D-Block, while protecting my fellow security at the same time. And I can do all that at the same time. I also think that using heavy guns is my priority, especially since I use the Negev alot. I overall believe I am fit for juggernaut because my experience, and how I can properly use the weapons given. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: Not the M60 Machine Gun, too much recoil. I believe using the Nova would work the most, as the Nova has been guaranteed a good shotgun. I think I can get a perfect shot, if I aim properly.
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