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The Real Slim Nova

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Everything posted by The Real Slim Nova

  1. +Support From what I have seen, and heard from you; You are a awesome LR, and you are capable of becoming JCMD. You seem as if you understand that the position that you could be placed under is very important, and you must treat it with the utmost respect, and do not abuse it. You seem like a active person, and nice.
  2. -Support Honestly, I am gonna assume you didnt read the rules, or you just dont really care about the rules in general. Reading it, you would know to not say anything that involves racist slurs. Racism is not a joke, whether you think it is, or if you dont, any count of racism in this community is not allowed.
  3. +Support -Follows the lore of the original SCP -Seems like a great idea -Would not require as much work as expected, like Chief said; You can just intergrate the audio files into the swep, and make it so right click makes him cry. -Seems cool
  4. -Support -Missing multiple important parts of the application -Not known well within the community -Forums account is to contemporary (new) -No +Supports were given -Application has grammar mistakes, short sentences, not including Why should we accept you. -Application is overall weak.
  5. +Support Yea, barely any information is given when there is no format, so why not add a format.
  6. I swear this was Dick Grayson at first, but still hes still very active.
  7. You are missing 2 questions at the bottom.
  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jZdtqBW6hctcI1VHq9nBOz0tKZwQw49ZPOp2Mc10bkk/edit
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oPWPWgPxcbxp5ig2SZuPvHLphdKyqd-epg23Y_YrX4k/edit
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oUPztG-ho5TuHKGeo-SzaAvvbdLKI3tSCnNY30fqyJ4/edit
  11. Sorry for the late respond; was busy and forgot. To start it off, I consider LTAP as leaving when someone says "Im calling an admin on you". Generally thats leaving, to avoid punishment. LTAP is mainly used when people leave sits, but can be used if people leave when the reporter is making a sit.
  12. As said, a known issue. If used while on miner, its basically bug abuse. You cannot fix it, just dont use it.
  13. -Support Not to be rude, but this is basically an indestructible, SCP-066. This will mess up the servers SCP list, and its kind of a weird idea.
  14. I still haven't found a single opened CC
  15. +/- Support The video crashed my discord, and it seemed like a quick fix, just took a few seconds. But still, I cannot tell if you are lying about not knowing about it.
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17iBdIOAWqiOUMeomEEhX0TAi4fw5GhD-QxRxaf3jX_Y/edit
  17. +Support Active Has a bit of experience Good answer to the MRDM Overall good app
  18. Also adding on from my recent -Support, You were also RDMing a event holder 3x, but that was dealt with.
  19. +Support I also looked at your warns, and it says "FailRP, Prop Abuse, SCP-049". And that would not be a really valid reason for a SCP-049 blacklist. But if what Warren said was true, then yea. That would be a valid reason for a blacklist.
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