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Everything posted by Pog

  1. Pog

    Bingus or floppa

    Let’s go!!
  2. +support i was there it wasnt very nice
  3. I can see the reason he warned cuz the logs prolly looked like y’all just ran up and shot but I don’t think it’s a valid reason to warn but I also don’t think you should instantly shot
  4. Welcome back let’s go!!
  5. Pog

    Bingus or floppa

    Lmk which one better floppa or bingus we all know floppa
  6. Pog

    Ronin's Resignation

    To many onion’s
  7. Pog

    Fella 48 hour notice

    Thanks for your time in srt
  8. -support if drippy says it needs perms then it needs perms
  9. Pog


    there 99cents dummy
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