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Yato Sensei

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Everything posted by Yato Sensei

  1. Tbf now they are split into sections so it's even easier to find what rule you are looking for lol. + Support
  2. Massive - Support Sorry but this will just ruin the fun for MTF in general, the fact that you can't take D block every 5 seconds as D class means that GenSec/MTF are doing their job proper. And if you are annoyed that there is a large amount of MTF in D block, why not flag onto something that will cause them to move their attention away? Flag onto a SCP, ask for some food or hop on CI/Sarkic (if you can) and raid so that MTF have to pull back.
  3. - Support Sorry mate but this just falls under common sense. If your PC is not plugged in, you wouldn't be able to play on it. Same with 079, if it isn't plugged in, you can't do anything.
  4. Damn, sad to see the Spinner leave but I understand you mate. Have a good one out there!
  5. + Support This weapon is very popoo, it's as worse as the M249 which is an insult. Get it buffed!
  6. + Support This guy shows no remorse, jeez. Get him outta here.
  7. PvP is popoo right now, this would definitely improve the server and return us back to people having skill not just who has the more HP wins.
  8. + Support Only for foundation jobs though, CI has enough already even on their starter job. "Tank" classes really don't feel like anything special, it's just another job with different guns and they get overshined by other aspects of other classes. I'm not talking about making then 250/250 or anything like that but a small HP or armor increase would be good. Also justice for BHM, thank you
  9. + Support Sounds fair since people sometimes abuse it.
  10. Damn, sad to see you go mate. Hopefully everything goes well for you in the future!
  11. Absolutely not. - Support it all comes down to aiming skills of the people involved in combat + if security has a maintenance/medical, what are the mobsters gonna do? They die, GenSec gets healed up, return to point 1.
  12. + Support Would be useful for the maintenance chaps
  13. Damn. At least I can get more heals now >: )
  14. - Support We already have the AFK system in the server to where after 30 minutes of you not doing anything, you get sent to your default spawn and unload most entities.
  15. Yes yes, ask Fizzy. He's a big tech nerd so he can help out with stuff that the server uses!
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