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Everything posted by Loaff

  1. ACCEPTED Speak to a member of HCMD/Head of MMF to be trained and whitelisted.
  2. +support if this can be done without adding much lag.
  3. Please follow the format: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/69579-discord-ban-appeal-format/
  4. -support D class having armorkits would be a nightmare.
  5. +support if this is possible to do without adding more lag.
  6. ACCEPTED Speak to a member of HCMD/Head of MMF to be trained and whitelisted.
  7. +support for shortening to 7 days Can't say any slur at all no matter if it's the hard r or not, even if used in a casual manner/not derogatory. Ban shortened to 7 days is appropriate, the warn should've been for LTARP/NITRP as they weren't in a staff sit.
  8. +support The crabs are easily killed by just 1 or 2 MTF, they're not that powerful.
  9. -support You underestimate how loud suppressed weapons are, especially indoors. They can still very much be heard, since the vast majority of firearms fire supersonic ammunition. If you want to make the argument that it's video game logic and that the guns are actually quiet, there's still the fact that 939 can hear and echolocate extremely effectively, having no eyes. Its sense of hearing would far outstrip a human's capabilities and would be able to hear the suppressed gunfire clear as day.
  10. Posting here for context, I will not be placing a + or - support: I was the one who both received said meme and made the ban on the Official Discord and main SCPRP discord. Said meme was deleted shortly after being sent but I made a screenshot before then.
  11. +support Saw this happen in a 610 breach just a couple hours ago.
  12. +support Sucks having duplicates, I don't see any downsides to enabling this.
  13. +support for thermals, -support on XP. How is someone getting a bunch of XP "OP"? Levels don't give you an advantage except for level classes inside branches, otherwise they're just there for fun after 100. I just don't see the need to nerf the double XP, it's not a problem.
  14. +support Might be faulty information but I believe someone in CI said the rules for Maynard were changed inside CI to do the same thing, so a suggestion may be redundant if that's true.
  15. +support furry schizophrenic femboy cool guy
  16. Loaff

    Ban appeal

    -support Don't use racist binds, it's that simple. Comes from a racist server? Use a normal bind, are they going to ban you for not being racist or something?
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