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Everything posted by Domo775

  1. good luck on this bruh people only join cc’s if they’re maxxed out and they only have to pay the bare minimum of 30$
  2. +support only if the swep isn’t ass like the last one couldn’t see shit playing as him
  3. +support he just wants to be ci sm again
  4. https://streamable.com/uip14a here some of the bit i cut out you could see its the same clip as the other one i just went to armory to buy the an94 (i thought this would be better proof so yall dont see me as a liar )
  5. Your in game name: farmer jit Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:106747464 The player's in game name: shav The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:1:187721447 Date and Time This Incident Occurred:6/11/22 like a hour ago What did the player do: broke nlr ( a couple times) then was toxic once i told him to wait nlr Evidence (required): https://streamable.com/x9ipu5 https://streamable.com/m4r8p9 clips are split into 2 (cause the oringial file was too big) but you can see he dies goes right back out then i kill him again, then he gets on ccu and goes immediately out (without waiting nlr) What do you believe should happen to the player: warn Any extra information: he kept breaking it earlier too but i didn't clip that time
  6. -support most people would just play on their ccs (if they have them) and it would be way worse for foundation combatants
  7. +support no need for maintenance and medical if mtf jobs can do what the branch’s were made for
  8. +support this was such a good weapon that many people spent money on would be a real pleasure if it got buffed for everyone that had bought it
  9. no shit, they have better weapons which most dclass (like the one reporting him) dont
  10. +support bro was standing in the door then whined once the elevator got called, what he expect to happen
  11. -support after what jett said bruh
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