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Posts posted by Darby

  1. 15 hours ago, DT S06 said:


    - No evidence

    - Its still rdm even if someone else instructs you to rdm.

    + Has no current warnings

    To be honest he probably shouldnt have spawned a ship. But shooting it and killing him is rdm/shooting it ardm.


  2. Juan, throughout your time in FBI you have always put your best foot forward. In the 1.5 years to 2 years that I have been in FBI, I have seen you put your life into this department and make it what it is today. I am glad you were around for as long as you were and I wish you could stay. I hope to be able to see you make a return. 

    I fucking love you Juan.

    -Deputy Assistant Director Darby.

    Phil for Director!

  3. 33 minutes ago, Sparkle said:


    This wasn't a one-time ordeal, you have three high level warnings for Racism and Homophobia. Two more warns for Homophobia in PoliceRP. You had A LOT, and I mean A LOT of time to think about it. You really got away with not being permanently banned for several months but your recent warnings caught up to you. Also never bring up your donation history, it never matters here.


  4. Hmm...


    Although your application is not the best it could be, I feel as if what I have seen from you in-game is more than enough to +support your application.

    You are very active, always helpful and make some great test ideas.

    The only thing I can say for this application that, if it gets denied, you can work on is add a couple more sentences onto 'Why you should be accepted' and do a couple more HRHM (High Risk Hazardous Materials) tests.

    Good Luck, Darby.

  5. 20 hours ago, Carson said:

    He did not know of the auto ban system and being shock we get called a lot of things in brig all the time. He doesn't have any previous offenses and me being his commander, I know he wouldn't call anyone that or use it in a harmful way.


  6. On 11/1/2021 at 2:55 PM, OFC Mar said:


    - I don't see you on much but that may be because of time zones or just for the fact that I work when you are on

    - Sees to get well with people a lot

    - Has some Command experience



  7. On 10/30/2021 at 5:50 AM, Yobo said:

    - Support

    1) 23 Warns
    2) Previous Bans x 2: Racism & Mass RDM
    3) 2 Fairly Recent warns (You Said 1 But you have 2): Main Issue with these warns is one of them is Lying to Staff..

    Regarding last question what would the correct punishment be you were fairly vague.


  8. On 11/1/2021 at 3:24 PM, Rookieblue said:

    Prior to this incident Buck described, he was subject to this staff report: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/74500-buck-staff-report/


    During my investigation into this staff report, I discovered numerous incident where Buck engaged in abuse of his staff powers by using powers off duty, moving people with his physgun while off duty without the consent of the players, and generally causing problems. Buck was issued two staff strikes during this incident, and I verbally warned Buck personally that any further abuse of his staff powers would result in being removed from the staff team.

    On May 18th I received a report from the then ET Leader that Buck had engaged in serious misconduct on the Event Team, that being spawning a Micro Cannon, which is prohibited at ALL TIMES, and used his ET powers inappropriately. After this report was substantiated, pursuant to the conversation and expectations that I laid out for Buck he was removed from the staff and ET team and issued a staff restriction.

    Buck previous appealed his restriction here: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/77572-buckapollo-staff-restriction-appeal/

    While I agree with Buck that he hasn't caused any issues since his staff restriction, I do not believe overturning the staff restriction is called for. Buck had multiple chances, the consequences of further misconduct were made abundantly clear, and he made the decision to abuse his powers again.



  9. 10 hours ago, Phillers said:

    Let me be clear in stating that I think you are bulshitting and rules-lawyering here, but that you are doing so successfully.
    I propose this rule is simply changed to state "Observed" instead of specifying that it has to be F/CI forces.


  10. -Support.

    Follow Format.



    9 hours ago, jy4341669 said:

    And of course he tells me THAT HE GOT ME BANNED

    Keep your computer locked or sign out of steam so that this does not happen. Even if this was your brother, it is still your account and you must face what punishment is given to you for what happened on that account.


    9 hours ago, jy4341669 said:

    n word (not hard r)

    It does not matter if is was the hard r or not. It is still a discriminatory word and will be punished accordingly.


    9 hours ago, jy4341669 said:

    a caucasian a cracker is a racial slur

    This can be taken as offensive and is a discriminatory word toward Caucasian people.


    9 hours ago, jy4341669 said:


    Being Caucasian does not matter. Discrimination is not tolerated, period.

  11. I believe that you are unable to change it as it warns you approximately 2-3 times as to confirm that what you are buying is what you want. I would suggest reading over your order confirmation slip before confirming the purchase.

    Note: I am not exactly sure on this but I believe that this happened before and the was no change given because of the reason above. (Unless I am thinking of another thing)(I am dumb)

    • Like 1
  12. On 10/27/2021 at 4:25 AM, 00 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 00 said:

    + Support 

    Seems like a misunderstanding 

    Old ban and player has changed

    I remember having conversations with you and you were a genuine guy trying to have fun. It has been a while since you were banned and I agree with other members that you do deserve to be unbanned. 


  13. 16 minutes ago, Pills said:


    This video says you're wrong. Unless you provide any actual proof like video.

    Also @islandtoad what is your POV on this? Would love to know.

    (Completely on related but there used to be a manhole in the outside part of 173 which is what I thought he was talking about until the clip.


  14. -Support

    Honestly, all I have seen from you is negative.

    Your immature, arrogant and honestly I do not believe that you are close to being fit for staff.

    You clearly have not read the Staff Guidelines otherwise you would have been able to answer the last question properly. 

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