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Posts posted by Darby

  1. On 4/18/2022 at 10:10 AM, guyt2030 said:

    I fully support this application & here are my reasons...

    • Has a great relationship with SF - not only do we respect him but he boosts moral
    • He continues to bridge us with other Sub Branches of Naval - it was his idea we spend some time with the Gunners who man the Turbolasers so there's less casualties in AS 
    • He has helped build one of the best TAO / AO team SF has had since i joined the server 4 months ago
    • He is firm but fair & takes SF behaviour seriously
    • He's been Acting CAO since Elias' departure & I have no issues with his approach, methods & dedication
    • Incredibly mature in his approach to the role, I have never witnessed him lose his calm collective nature at any point
    • Dependable & consistently active 


  2. 7 hours ago, Keegan said:

    I looked at them and they are practically the same. I used a tool to run a word difference between them and its actually kind of sad.

    Even the "changed" parts are mostly the same. Only one paragraph from this entire application is original. 

    Ironically enough, I would also like to quote myself from my minus support from your last application from this position:

    This month you had not done a single simulation before today. The last one you had done at all was on the 17th of last month.

    Last month you got all of yours done in the first 10 days and then only did the one on the 17th. So essentially, before you saw an opportunity to get promoted, you did not do a single sim for a whole month. You have not proven a change since last time, so at this point you have been unable to consistent host simulations and trainings for medical without barely squeezing in your quota at the last second, or doing it early then doing nothing for the rest of the month. 

    This behavior isn't only just in Medical, you do the same in 501st. You did your 501st sim quotas only hours before the meetings 2 weeks in a row now. 

    Overall Huge -Support

    Someone who is fit to be Marshal Commander should be able to be unique and creative enough to create a new application rather than copy paste one, and should be reliable enough to just meet the bare minimum expectation of a command member and do sims on a consistent basis, something you clearly have not really been able to do. I like you Zug, but you need to see that you are not changing at all in your ways as a Command member since the last time you applied, and it shows no resolve to grow or achieve great things as Marshal Commander. I also don't know how you expected to be able to get away with copying your application, when every time someone does that it is noticed and immediately called out.

    Your attitude to doing the bare minimum is NOT something that would be good to see in a Marshal Commander, as it would only encourage laziness amongst command members.


  3. 20 hours ago, Steeley said:


    -He is active.
    -Knows how to run a regiment effectively.

    -Has everyone's respect, while being an extremely nice guy.

    -Has extraordinary leadership skills.

    -Has worked so hard to get where he is now.

    -He has managed to create a very good team of officers under him.

    I'm not sure if he knows this but I hold a massive amount of respect for lydus in the way he works as a commander, he really in my opinion is a great example on how to be a commander. There is many good choices, but from my point of view lydus is the best. 


    -Good luck 


  4. On 4/4/2022 at 11:37 AM, Bobby Boy said:


    + Good app

    + Always exceeds quota

    + Has goals 

    + Serious when needed 

    + Very active 

    + Past experience

    I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


    - Burrito | DT CPT RX6



  5. On 4/4/2022 at 11:47 AM, Bobby Boy said:


    + Very detailed app

    + Hard working 

    + Great seeker 

    + IRL experience 

    + Always gets quota done 


    SF3 has done a great job as an NCO. He is dedicated to his position and always treats everyone with respect. He took my SN03 position 👀😄. No but in all seriousness SF3 is a great member of the battalion and will work wonders not only as an officer but also in his newfound position in seeker, I hope to see him better the battalion and Sub-branch. 

    - Burrito | DT CPT RX6


  6. On 4/7/2022 at 2:32 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

    + Support

    - One of the most thorough applications I have EVER seen

    - Has good experience working with RP

    - Great ideas for missions / activities


    I've seen some incredible work from Cecil, I think he'd make a great SD.


  7. On 3/28/2022 at 12:29 PM, SilonMist said:

    I'm going to +Support this application.

    -This individual is very fun to be around.
    -Knows his way around DT, and has been improving a lot.
    -Is able to be serious when asked.
    -Always improves using suggestions from others.
    -Very funny, perfect for team dynamic.

    -Sometimes too energetic to handle (although does it at the right times).
    -Application a bit bare, I would love to see more information. Effort on the application reflects the effort in the position being applied for.
    -Feel like M36 isn't where you belong in TI-23, I feel like you will be perfect in other positions and more suited.

    I think the negatives do not out weight the positives enough to disqualify, because TI-23 would be a good place in general for this person due to their skill level.



    He yells too much.

  8. - Support

    • There is little to no effort in this application.
    • I do not believe that you understand the purpose of a Security Director.
    • Answering questions and helping Shock & Deathtroopers are the basics of being an SO, not why you should be trusted with it.
    • You did not explain very well how you will improve all three battalions you are assigned to.
    • I have not seen much out of you in terms of Security recently.

    Brine, you are a great guy but this application is extremely bad. I thought you would have put more effort into something like this. How disappointing.


    Good Luck Brine.

    ~ Darby

  9. On 3/16/2022 at 3:54 AM, Zarzar06 said:

    + Support

    - Decently active

    - Professional

    - Very kind and outgoing

    - Good application


    Overall good app only recommendation will to be just a little more active but overall would make a great Inferno Squad Officer, overall good luck!!!


  10. On 3/21/2022 at 8:12 AM, Yohan Drinker of Booz said:


    grate worked i've worked with him in the SCP server one of if not the best members their was i can say with a shred of hesitation you want him in NCO he can handle the work and hes Active as hell and from my time in IF hes on regular he dose as told and has common sense get this man in NCO it would be a waist to not have him

    -Head Agent Blood Raven   


  11. On 3/16/2022 at 3:48 AM, Zarzar06 said:

    +/- Support

    - Has experience staffing

    - Sounds like a good guy

    -  Decent application


    - Haven’t seen on much

    - Recently came back (joined)


    More in the + support side but overall good luck!!


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