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Posts posted by Darby

  1. + Support

    - Almost all questions were answered very well

    - Previous experience in 1 of 2 assigned battalions

    - Active

    - Dedicated

    - Understands what Security Officers purpose is

    - Paragraph Questions 2 & 3 are a bit short.

    ~ Security Director Darby.

  2. On 3/11/2022 at 4:53 PM, kamojr said:

    + Support

    Nebel is a great guy with a good sense of humor, but he's serious when he needs to be. I've had the pleasure to serve underneath him and he has always been great, even though I only saw him as a Senior Commander during my time in 501st before he got promoted up. I see no reason why he shouldn't be VCMDR.


  3. On 3/7/2022 at 5:25 AM, Paisley Park said:


    + Fantastic GM and DT, transferred in but fills the roll of Officer like he's been here for a while!
    + Kind guy, very understanding, but can be strict if needs be. Nice attitude for what would be a squad-based system.
    + Familiar with hacking and bomb procedures, and spent a lot of time in SF, so engineering Roleplay is not a stranger to him.

    PC is a great guy and I think he'd be a nice fit for L21!


  4. On 3/7/2022 at 5:30 AM, Paisley Park said:

    + Very dedicated to DT! Lock-ranked himself at Corporal to better prepare himself for NCO, something I believe to be a very mature and responsible decision. (but I don't think he was ever not ready!)
    + Has plenty of experience with Serious RP, but is also kind to a more relaxed setting as well. Perfect for TI-23!
    + Was the most dedicated Deathtrooper Heavy before it was removed, whom primarily used the DLT-19. Just like in the application, this is what L21 would be perfect at!
    + Knows plenty about IRL tactics and combat, enough to make very good use of the fortifications tablet.

    KA5 has been here longer than I, and I'd love to have him on this team!


  5. On 3/7/2022 at 3:24 AM, Mark001 said:

    +/- Support

    -Good Naval


    -Knows lore better than he knows his mother


    -Just a good person in general

    -The app is on the small side but is basically made up with his naval skills

    -He knows how a turbolaser works so I'm pretty sure he can fire a turbolaser

    -No mention of regimental engineers 

    (i wanna remind people that your overseeing regimental engineers so please mention it in your GO apps as Go's can promote anyone who is a regimental engineer to SGT in any battalion there in)


  6. On 3/6/2022 at 1:14 PM, StrikerHD said:

    MEGA +Support!

    -Super active on the server

    -Fantastic person to talk to

    -Respected and loved in the Community and very well known

    -Is a wonderful staff member and would make a great Senior Admin

    -Knows what he is doing and that is important for a staff member

    -Good Application all around

    {SOOOOO much more I could say about him but I'll just leave it at this}

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


  7. On 3/3/2022 at 3:52 AM, guyt2030 said:

    I would like to fully support this application, below are my reasons....


    • He took orders from me to concentrate on formations & fulfilled them...He tooke it upon himself to do formation training...
    • Energetic but followed COC during Events never stepped out of line as NCO
    • Communicates well to other SF & Troopers during transports - He entertains
    • He's active when I am - Fellow BRITZ
    • He's a great moral support to the battalion
    • Great pilot - shot me down many times - Wanted to join Gladius it's his natural calling
    • He's ready for more responsibility due to the fact he's been a great NCO
    • Did I mention his enthusiasm??? if i didn't I'm saying it again 🙂
    • I will say this i dont care if  'Officers are needed'  this one deserves it


    • Like 1
  8. On 2/21/2022 at 7:56 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:


    - Active and Responsible

    - Hits his quotas

    - Always mature and meeting standards of DT

    - Would be a great fit in the TI-23 team



    Best of luck my friend!


  9. On 2/21/2022 at 7:59 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

    + / - Support

    - Has experience as Shock

    - Seems to be focused on remaining up to standards

    - Would like to see more info on how you can contribute to the regiments other than tryouts


    Paragraph Question 2 is Short and I would like to see more as to why we should trust you.

    You have been minging recently.


    Good Luck, Darby.

  10. 7 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

    + huge support 

    He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

    - dedicated 

    - friendly 

    - been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

    - as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

    - spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

    - would make a excellent Admiral 

    Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

    Guy doesn't say die. 

    Good luck 👍


  11. On 2/7/2022 at 9:58 PM, Nex_yes said:

    massive +Gaminglight Imperal RP


    Gaminglight Imperal RP.

    Gaminglight Imperal RP.

    -Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP


  12. On 2/18/2022 at 6:14 AM, Zabuza said:

    - Dedicated to each role he receives
    - Puts as much effort in as possible
    - Is active
    - Perfect NCO qualities 
    -Decent App

    - Will now have 3 NCO positions
    - Could lead to neglect of one

    Overall Cinder will prove himself for the role of Shock NCO but he needs to find a way to balance his time on his 3 NCO positions and gamemaster position.

    - SHGL Lore Senior Guard Lemmet Tauk


  13. 4 hours ago, Jaeger. said:


    With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs

    + Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo.

    + Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips.

    Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.


  14. 23 hours ago, NovaS said:

    Not everything works out. If you decided to be racist, homophobic, and leave during a sit, then you maybe not love the server after all. You can spend money, but that wont revive your chances to returning. I believe it would've been easier to just not act that way, and behave properly. And also, those punishments aren't minor at all. Those are serious actions that in Gaminglight, they will not tolerate in any way. Trust me, I have not seen a singular person with punishments like this return at all.

    -Support for reasons stated above


  15. 8 hours ago, Coconut Boy said:


    - Has previous staffing experience.

    - Has a good amount of experience on the server and how it handles.

    - Is ready to dedicate more time on staffing than roleplay.

    - Knows how to handle staff situations well.


    Goodluck and Godspeed!



    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Lime King said:

    -You admitted to breaking the rules
    -Wait the 4 days and learn your lesson otherwise whos to say you wont come back and just MRDM again
    -Take this time to relax and mature


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