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Posts posted by Darby

  1. 58 minutes ago, Loaff said:


    Writing a short story as an excuse for killing 35 people isn't gonna cut it, but A+ for effort.



    50 minutes ago, m0rdecai said:

    I am not expecting an unban lol BUT in case it was unclear everyone I killed was AFK. Also I did read the MOTD/Rules 😞, only relevant rule I could find was 1. which outlaws FailRP rdms.


    You +supported your own appeal...




  2. 16 hours ago, MiniEpic said:


    Legit watch the video and see the minging, should be warned. They both know better, warned quaked for it a couple months ago and let him off the hook. Should've learned his lesson same with Vader you were  mod you should rules.


  3. 3 hours ago, Andre Lawrence said:


    It was an accident, after reviewing the video once again. I noticed that Scoob dropped the money almost under a vehicle, making it extremely difficult for someone to find the cash. Which explains why they opened fire upon his vehicle as he was attempting to leave. 

    If it was dealt with in game it would have been a verbal warning because of the mistakes made by Scoob when he dropped the money. 


  4. On 8/31/2021 at 6:10 AM, Sourg said:


    You had 2 Miniguns Pointed at him. Just like it says in Priority Rules you must have a valid reason to shoot police and one of those is "Your life is threatened by an officer" the same goes for here. You threatened his life.

    Also this situation could have been handled ingame.

  5. On 8/29/2021 at 1:44 AM, BruceyBoyo said:


    Pretty sure the whole point is that your gun is very close to being ready to fire, at that point we might as well say you can FearRP the entire SWAT team because their guns aren't aimed at you so you can shoot first. Also, in RP it's unlikely you can see whether a gun is or isn't safetied - the point is you're just holding it, not aiming it. This would essentially mean that aiming your gun randomly around the place made you more ready to fire than holding it otherwise. Realistically you just need to re-aim the gun a little and you're in a standoff. From a gameplay perspective this would also mean effectively that you could kidnap pretty much any government official at any time anywhere unless you were actively being held at gunpoint by them. Also, the fact that you can have a gun not out but also not on safety would mean that with this rule change, you'd be able to reach into your pocket, grab hold of an assault rifle or LMG that you store in it, pull it all the way out and aim it towards someone faster than they can just aim at you.

    It's worth noting that you can just bring backup, order the person to put their gun away under FearRP and then kidnap them.


  6. On 8/27/2021 at 10:40 PM, russianweeb69 said:


    - The SCP wiki has no real canon Meaning in one canon there could be a micro and in another one there isn't.

    - This basically makes alpha unit a beefy D4 with nothing unique about it accept HP.

    - The micro is there to keep balance between SCPs and MTF instead of having to nuke every time the site goes to shit.

    -The weapon is Heavily restricted by site administration to the point that you need O5/Ethics perms to use it so people don't just use it every time the site goes to shit  and its only used when absolutely necessary.

    -  The micro HID (Inferno) may do a lot of damage but it also has a charge and it slows you down when you hold it making it easy to be targeted by SCPs.

    - The ethereal only does 150 damage and considering that SCPs have over 5k HP its not as good as you think.

    - Removing the rule on killing SCPs with a micro makes no sense since t
    he micro is only authorized to use against SCPs. Using it against humans is prohibited.


  7. On 8/27/2021 at 4:02 AM, Mystery RHC said:


    -Was Extremely Abusive with his power in shock 

    -Often Insults members of the community whenever things don't go his way 

    -Insults people in OOC whenever he gets arrested for a valid reason

    -Promotion Begging/complaining  in OOC 

    -Player Diss

    The things you listed off in why you think you deserve admin+ you have been caught doing more then once. I think if given time to change and adjust you would make a great member of staff but right now its not a good idea.


    Shore MSG




  8. 3 hours ago, SawickM said:

    The excuse “I won’t troll anymore if I get unbanned” is pretty week. You have been warned many times to stop and still continue. Also negative repping someone’s post that doesn’t agree with you is getting you no where. If you wanted to participate in the server you shouldn’t have acted how you do on a daily basis. -Support 


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