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Posts posted by Darby

  1. On 12/13/2021 at 2:46 PM, iZz said:




    -Ready for the job


    Only thing I have to say is he technically applied after 20 days of SM but today marks 21 (3 weeks) so it gets my +support


  2. 1, Thank you for your time in FBI and USMS.

    2, I will always love you 😉

    4 minutes ago, [KG] Jay said:

    darby- my favorite mentor (not as best as cecil tho!!)

    3, Fuuuuuuuuuck you.


  3. 6 hours ago, Loaff said:

    Tbh, +support

    The whole controversy on how 912 should work, who it can cuff, why it can cuff, the mechanics of its swep, the mechanics of its cuffs etc is just so tiring.

    I think we'd just be better off without it. 912 doesn't even do a good job of assisting security, the vast majority of times 912 tries to help just ends up with 912 running into gensec's fire and making what should be just a few shots into trying to aim around 912, then what to do with the cuffed d class, meanwhile 2 other d class have taken advantage of the bickering to come up and stab both of them to death.

    Then there's the part of it I'm quite passionate about and if you'll forgive my language: The dickheads who use 912's rules to just harass non-combatants and non-combatant branch's combat classes are just such a nuisance.


  4. Cecil, in my time knowing you I have watched you go from PA all the way to Assistant Director. I even found out the other day that we were trained 2 hours apart. But throughout the time you have been in FBI you have put in outstanding work and if there was another way to commend you for it, you most likely would have got it. I would like to thank you for your continued service to the FBI and wish you good luck on future endeavours.

  5. What is your in-game name?: Darby

    What is your steam name?: [GL] Darby

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:123748241

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, Head Admin (CKG, Shutdown), Senior Moderator (Icefuse), Manager (Imperial Gaming? or some name similar, Shutdown), Gamemaster (GL ImperialRP)

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I started actively playing about 1 1/2 Years ago.

    What date did you make your forums account? 08/25/21

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?

    Have you donated? Yes, to a total of $444 USD.

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No.

    Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it: Yes.

    Timezone: AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I believe that I deserve Trial Moderator in PoliceRP because I have quite a bit of past experience as staff within other communities and have a vast knowledge of the administration system that Gaminglight uses. I am very active and always on the lookout for anyone in need and I will always respond to community members and staff members who require assistance. I have always tried to keep everything in place and ensure that other staff members are cooperating well with each other and are coping with the task of being a staff member. I have a great personality and am a great person to be around. I am also very energetic and am kind to all people. I am dedicated to this server and am very trustworthy. I can remember rules very well and I would like to be able to welcome new members to our community and show them that we are the best. I have a great work ethic and I would love to bring to the community reliable and trustworthy people. I am knowledgeable of the rules and I know the regulations of being a staff and community member of Gaminglight. I am always happy to clarify the rules if someone does not understand.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    I would first give them 2 warnings to stop cursing or, if they are, stop being disrespectful. If they fail to do so I would then gag the player and, if being disrespectful, note down the disrespect to add to the warn. I would then warn the rule breaker for MRDM + Disrespect (If they were disrespectful). I would then continue on to ask in staff chat for an Admin+ to come to the sit and ban them for 5 days. If they do not come then I will ask for a ban on the user for 5 days via the staff discord discord or Gaminglight forums.

  6. +Support

    After considering the Creatine's warn count and time on the server, I do believe that they match the criteria for a Community Blacklist as it seems that he will only cause trouble.

    In terms of LulW, I believe that either a 6 Month ban or Permanent Ban from PoliceRP would be fit as the minimum sentence. Although I am unsure of this users background, I do not believe that this behaviour would warrant a lesser punishment.

  7. On 12/1/2021 at 3:49 AM, Chief_ said:

    This is the users first appeal for this permanent ban. 


    Users prior ban history. 

    Notable Warns: 

    8/23/21 - Racism

    8/8/21 - Racism | Homophobia | Mic Spam | Ltap (Banning warn)

    5/26/21 - Racism

    2/3/21 - Mass Player diss | NLR | RDM | NITRP

    2/1/21 - Making light of George Floyd


    Most Recent Warn: 

    11/04/21 - Stealing Cop Cars



    From your warn history you have been shown to be a problem on the community. Making light of issues that shouldn't be brought to a online game. Disrespecting players to multiple incidents of racism. Also without you playing on our community servers I have no clue and most likely other players do not have a clue if you have truly changed or not. I recommend you play on one of our other servers you are not banned on to build up some rep and show how you changed and aren't breaking rules anymore. 


  8. On 11/28/2021 at 4:12 AM, bop said:

    - Support

    You knew exactly what you were doing.

    That movie title is offensive and you were telling others to search it up.


    11 hours ago, Pisces said:

    +support without any more context I don't see what he did to get a ban here

    He was telling people to search up a movie with an offensive title.

  9. 1 hour ago, Will said:


    Clear and blatant cop bait. I know the breaking and overall handling on the Gurkha is shit, but there is no attempt from what I could see to slow down or avoid the police vehicles. Not to mention, but both emergency vehicles had their ELS enabled, so there's near no chance for someone to miss seeing them.


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