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Posts posted by Darby

  1. What is your ingame name?: 



    What is your SteamID: 



    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: 

    Lieutenant Commander


    What specialty are you applying for?: 

    Security Director


    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: 



    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?

    As a Security Director I would continue upholding the duties as a Security Officer but there is a great deal more as the Security Director. I would continue my activity and dedication towards both of these battalions for the foreseeable future. I will ensure that there is more simulations and tryouts that are being hosted by Security Officers and will raise the amount I am doing. I will continue the weekly goals & quota for Security Officers which will also assist in improving the battalions. I would ensure that we will continue to have dedicated, knowledgeable and active Security Officers to further improve both Shock & Death Troopers. I will ensure that members of both battalions are staying inline with their respective SOPs and answering any questions should they have any. I will be able to train new TSOs to the best of my ability which will ensure that they will have the knowledge and confidence to start their work and assist in making Shock & DT not only hit, but surpass their goals.


    Why should you be trusted with this position?:

    Although I have not been in the Security Specialty for too long, I know the rules, regulations and the people of Naval, Shock & DT like the back of my hand. I have been working with them for 2 weeks now and have had time to get to know everyone and show them how I perform. During trainings, I ensure that those who attend understand what they are doing and what is expected of them. Furthermore, if they have any questions I am able to answer them immediately. As I said in my Security Officer application, I am extremely dedicated towards Naval and since joining SO, I have also added Shock & DT to that list. As a Lt Commander and Security Officer, I believe that I have shown the leadership skills that are required as the Security Director and I will be able to use them to the best of my ability to not only ensure that Shock & DT are running smoothly, but also that SOs are continuing their hard work.


    Why do you want this rank?:

    Throughout my time playing ImperialRP, I have always been interested in both Shock and DT so I have been getting to know a few of their members for a while. Since becoming a Security Officer, that has grown immensely. I love DT, most notably hosting their selections as it is very interesting and is very fun. I also spend time with Shock, their members are amazing and I love to work with them. I wish to be able to not only take more responsibility but also be able to work closer with Shock & DT Command & Officer teams. I also want this rank so that I can make the Security Specialty the best it can be and work closely with Shock & DT Command to be able improve their respective battalions to the best of my ability.


    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:



    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:

    There are many duties as a Security Director. One of the purposes of the Security Director would be to complete the tasks that a Security Officer does as that is the most important objective whilst in the Security Specialty. The Security Director is to oversee and uphold security of their assigned ISD and ensuring that the Security Officers are completing weekly tasks. The Security Director is also to answer and solve any questions or issues that may arise from either members of Shock, DT or fellow SOs. Security Directors are also to update their assigned battalions roster and ensure that it is up to date with the correct information. 

  2. On 1/19/2022 at 3:19 PM, CollectiveWorld said:

    -Decent Application
    -Knows the basics of Adminisration and what they do
    -has read the guidelines and seems keen to join the staff team
    -Good Answers for the questions
    -It is a little short but i do think Cozy would make a good staff member


  3. 5 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

    + support 

    - Fantastic application

    - might be new to Naval but looks like he would be a good Aviation Officer 

    - looks like a guy who would put effort into helping SF grow

    - pluse from what I've seen there is only one other AO so they could us the extra help. 

    Over all as a Former CAO you get my approval in the AO department 

    Good luck 👍


  4. On 1/12/2022 at 4:42 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:


    As a Gunnery Officer, I work very closely with Sanity, and I have nothing but positives to say about this guy. 

    - Keeps things entertaining 

    - One of the most personable guys I have talked to on the server

    - Respectful

    - Incentivizes his troops with activities and rewards

    - Recognizes when someone puts in work, and rewards them appropriately


    One of the best Vice Commanders I've seen and he does amazing work for his regiment. I wish you the best of luck Sanity! 


  5. 5 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

    + support 

    - competent Naval 

    - great application 

    - as a former Chief Aviation Officer I feel he do I good job at the job 

    Good luck


    I hope that you get this position as currently, AO has no members except yourself and you have been putting in mad work.

    Keep up the great work and I hope to work closer with you soon.

  6. What is your name?


    What is your rank?

    Navigation Pilot

    How long have you been a NCO?

    Approximately 2 Weeks

    What rank are you applying for?

    SF Officer (Flight Lieutenant)

    How many strikes do you have?


    Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?

    I believe that you should trust me with an officer position for many reasons. The first and main reason why I believe this is because if my command experience. Throughout the past 5 years of playing GMod, I have held multiple command positions which allows me to teach NCOs new tips and tricks for trainings and also assist other officers with daily activities. Throughout my time in SF I have created a strong friendship with almost everyone in the battalion and whenever a mission arises I am the first one to undertake the mission and take lead of SF. I have dedicated myself to helping SF by recruiting and making friendships with the trainees. I have also led SF to a victory with other pilots when I was the highest SF online. I have conducted PDBs and contacted other officers and gave them the after action report. 

    What can you do to assist command with this rank?

    As an SF Officer I will be able to assist command by taking lead during events and completing requests that Command wants done. I will also be able to further SFs relationship with other battalions and continuing our positive attitude and commitment to this battalion. I will continue or expand my dedication to SF by hosting more tryouts, leading Cobra Squad and teaching new cadets piloting and doing sims which will help Command with letting SF have a better work environment and reputation. I will also further help Command by certifying new cadets on how to fly transports and teach them how to fly to the best of my ability so that they can show that we are the best in the air. As an SF Officer I will also further be able to help Cobra Squadron as I will be able to promote enlisted to be able to join Cobra (If they deserve it) and will be able to command SF in how to help Cobra & Gladius during events, etc.

    Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the NCO rank?

    I do.

  7. 14 hours ago, CollectiveWorld said:

    +/- Support
    - Seems to know star wars law
    - loves the GL community and wants to help

    - has zero activity on forums and just made acc
    - really rushed application, could re-edit and fix it up
    - really really short and basic offship event when you clearly state you dont want a boring one where "An off ship event we go kill jedi and rebels on endor" is clearly boring and done 100+ times 

    Overall if its not accepted just spend more time on this app, because you represent the GM Team
    Goodluck Hagrid!!!


    - Almost never see you online.

  8. What is your ingame name?:

    What is your SteamID?:

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:

    What specialty are you applying for?:
    Security Officer

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:
    Admiral Versio (Mando)

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: 
    I will mainly work on is tryouts and simulations. The reason for this is so that I can assist the battalions NCO+ in bringing in new trainees as well as keeping the troopers both engaged and working hard. Hosting simulations will enable me to keep troopers actively playing and improving not only their combat skills but also teamwork and relations within the battalion. I will host to not only boost the battalions population but also bring in dedicated troopers. I will encourage our battalions to be on their best behaviour but also motivate them to continue working and not only help themselves but also others. I will also be able to use my experience of being a command member in other servers to assist both the NCOs and the Officers by teaching then new skills and helping them lead in tricky situations. I will also attempt to improve DT & Shock battalion relations more than it currently is which will result in more joint sims and more dedicated trainees.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: 
    I know that I should be trusted with this position for many reasons. The first and main reason is due to my command experience within multiple servers, this experience will help me with this position as it allows me to help Shock & DT NCO+ when they are hosting tryouts and trainings. With this, when there are no Shock or DT Officers online, I can take command and assist NCOs with leading their squads. I was previously in Shock which gives me an advantage as I will be able to assist them even more due to my prior knowledge. I am also quick to handle any situations that may arise and will be able to put an end to them without it getting out of hand. I also have an open mind which will be able to assist me in making decisions as I will be able to implement suggestions into them, this will also assist me in hosting new sims that may be a different style than what is usually hosted.

    Why do you want this rank?:  
    I want this position because I love to be able to be there for people. I always strive to be the best that I can be and instead of bringing people down, I will help them rise to new levels. Being able to work with Shock & DT will allow me to assist in making them the best that they can be and encourage them to never give up. I feel that in this position, I can complete my goals and greatly help both Shock & DT in completing their goals. I am also very active on the server which will allow me to help Shock & DT the best I can and will let me host many tryouts & sims for both battalions. I also want to assist the members of both battalions in giving them more of an understanding of what they do and assisting them in carrying out their duties the best they can.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:
    I Do.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: 
    The purpose of a security officer is to oversee both Shock and Death Troopers in their duties. As such, if a Shock or a DT needs any assistance, the Security Officer is there to help them out. They are also tasked with helping the Senior Security Officers and the Security Director in overseeing that Shock & Death Troopers do on a daily basis. They also carry out tasks that the Security Director asks them to do. SO’s are also to carry out tryouts and trainings for Shock & DT to bring more trainees into the battalions and keeping them active and engaged. SO’s are also to maintain Arrests and take reports on members of Shock or DT. They also train Shock on how to keep the ship safe and DT on how to keep their VIPs safe.

  9. 1. Your In-game: Darby


    2. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123748241


    3. The player's name in-game: ST PVT 1049 Lawyer


    4. The player's steam name (If you know it): DA REAL MINGY


    5. What did the player do: Mass Racism


    6. Evidence (REQUIRED): 



    7. What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban for Racism


    8. Any extra information:
    His SteamID is: STEAM_0:0:609600924

  10. 45 minutes ago, [GL] Locus said:

    - Support 
    That can easily be abused and as well the frag wouldn't be a good idea to give CC's as its rare for even some Gov classes to have it. 

    Also grenades can be added to gov classes just not frags only flash and smoke but it was clearly decided at some point in time against this so I don't believe it should be changed



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