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Posts posted by Darby

  1. 4 hours ago, NebelFir said:

    *Dedicates a large portion of his time to the 501st!
    *Well thought out application
    *Very well respected throughout the battalion
    *Has done a lot for 501st

    -Is Danish so ehh 
    !Hope all those who apply for 501st VCMDR have great things for them in the future!


  2. 22 hours ago, Mazgrid said:

    MASSIVE +Support

    I absolutely believe you would be a great name to fill up one of the Colonel spots. You are always there for others, polite, positive, forgiving, patient, decently active. I really don't have much to say other than you will probably be getting COL. Good luck bro- never mind, you don't need it. 😎


  3. 24 minutes ago, [GL] Locus said:

    I'm going to be honest DDoS threats aren't something to play around with. I've seen people say that to the wrong people and get arrested when they threaten it to big companies. I honestly believe that your only worried about it because it could affect yourself now but at the time you didn't care. 

    Major - Support. 


  4. 21 hours ago, Herrman said:

    I remember demoting you in PD for it, I heard and watched the clips. It is very obvious you said it and if I remember right admitted to me and another Command member. You also said it multiple times, Including the Hard R when admitting to it. You need a much longer break off, And lying in your appeal doesn't help you at all.


  5. 11 hours ago, Tactical said:


    I came to the sit and u demanded i warned him

    i already spoke with him and told him to put a real reason and that it wasnt abuse of the demotion system as he couldve had a reason to, i asked and he said there were multiple people saying u were breaching SOP and minging, i then told u to just hop back on, i also told hi to either ask a command to watch you or come talk to me if he needs to, if im honest this is a very petty report and there should be really no reason this was posted as i already spoke and dealt with him.


  6. On 9/6/2021 at 10:21 PM, OWNED said:

    "fail RP cause of breach timers"

    m8, literally only one of these warns even constitute anything about failed breaching

    the lying to staff, ERP, mass minging, RDM

    the fact that you arent even mentioning/owning up to these just goes to show you have not changed at all and if not for weiss we would have not found out about these.

    I get they were a while ago and people can change, but the fact that you keep trying to hide it and make it seem less severe than it actually is shows no change to me

    opinion still remaining a -Support



  7. 2 hours ago, robertomanjini said:

    i think he is good friends with bappo

    I am just going to put this forward on behalf of Bappo.

    We have no clue who this man is.


    - Support

    This is due to what Snuts has stated.

    2 hours ago, Snuts said:


    From what i see from this report, Sinclair RP'd that Bappo has a restraining order against POL which in reality is a realistic thing. I get that bappo isn't exactly liked from what i hear but its hard to tell that he's "targeting" or "disrespecting"  POL from only 2 adverts. IMO a talking to through TS or a discord DM could stop this from happening in the future but removing his judge whitelist is unreasonable in my eyes.


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