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Posts posted by Darby

  1. Name: Darby

    Rank and Callsign: EMT 8823

    Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Active

    Why would you like to stay in the department? Because EMS Low & High Command is pretty good and I enjoy the RP.

    Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? Not really as I do not see anyone on when I am on.

    (Note: I play very late nights and very early mornings, not many people are on the server on those times, there are some exceptions to this)

  2. 17 hours ago, Gordan said:


    Already dealt with and has received a 2 week ban already. 



    17 hours ago, Nydekore said:


    Seems to be a chat bot, would need extension to perma for using 3rd party software.


  3. On 10/17/2021 at 1:30 PM, OFC Mar said:


    has command experience 

    Knows his work

    i don’t see you much that’s probably because of time zones but you do very much do great work


  4. On 10/12/2021 at 11:49 PM, 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 said:

    Changing to -Support after what MiKeY posted

    get at a minimum 20 sits a week before applying and make sure you are telling the people you are requesting permission from your actual sit count. (Don’t be afraid to ask JMT for your sit count)


    On 10/14/2021 at 8:00 AM, Russia the great said:

    - support 

    -I personal don't think you are ready to become a Senior mod due to the facts that you are having low sit counts 




  5. On 10/13/2021 at 4:53 PM, [GL] Locus said:

    "While Judge is on, Courthouse belongs to Judge and not D.O.C. " It is within a prison there for by forfeit it would fall under DOC as its apart of the prison and within the grounds of the prison which in return is officially owned by the state trooper's which would mean that the judge would be able to just claim land if you think that they should be allow to own the courthouse while its on a state building.

    "The Judge cannot order around GOV however failure to follow a Court Order will result in a summons to court." Now this one is just straight up contradictory you say the judge cannot order around gov but than say they can order or "summon" them to court which is the same as ordering it just in a reskinned way of saying it. 

    "The Judge is in charge of appointing Bailiffs and can dismiss a Bailiff for any reason. The Judge may not force anyone to be Bailiff." This would fall to DOC/Other Government agency's. 
    "The Judge may order anyone to leave the courthouse if they are disrupting said trial, or being a general nuisance." Once again the grounds are owned by state and upkept by DOC and other agencies if DOC needs assistance or if other agencies wish to help out DOC. Which means you couldn't just kick out anyone from the courthouse as this would than leave a loophole where you could attempt to kick out DOC and State Officials.   

    "GOV failure to pay fines to the court can result in a vote off the job (Judge must state reason as "FailRP" and Judge must first advertise the fine 3 times with two minutes in-between each advert)." Demotion off jobs is meant to only be done by that specific Departments command or a staff member not a random judge. This would give the judge to much power as we are a semi-serious not a serious RP as @Lime King has mentioned before. 

    "Fines can roll over and collect interest if person does not pay within 8 years (480s). Payment plans are authorized. 

    Regardless of the offense, fines to the courts cannot exceed 5MIL."  Now this one would mean that the judge has more power to fine people than the PD does which in it self would lead to many problems a few I can even think of right now such as a judge deciding to fine a person 4,999,999. This also once again is a semi-serious server. 

    "No one is above the law to include the Judge and other GOV. " Due to the way systems are set up within the server. You would need a staff member to get a corrupt a judge off the job which is already how it is. This part is just something that is already here just reworded. 

    "There is no punishment for not showing up to Jury Duty (cannot force people to RP)." As you said here you cannot force people to RP but within this suggestion you wish to force the DOC/State to hand their own facilities over to the judge which would be in its own way forcing an RP  issues that can easily lead to being a argument when you try to kick a DOC member. 

    You can  have class 1-3 Weapons for self-defense." Also why would a judge need a AR or SMG I believe the old rule where it was only a pistol makes more sense than a judge pulling an AR/shottie out.

    Well Said Locus. 

  6. On 10/12/2021 at 12:21 AM, Sia lodato il SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE said:

    Im the BioEngineer in that group, he clearly broke Fearrp and he didn't do it only 1 time, when we took the elevator to HCZ we said "Fearrp" again but he closed the door on us.


  7. Your name: Darby

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): Fuse Danger#5691

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136):  415419155181862923

    Which discord server were you banned on? PoliceRP

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? Banned by MEE6 for too many infractions.

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned? This ban was due to me attempting to make a FBI Bust report and continuously getting warned for Duplicated text (I attempted to re-do it so it would not do this but it did not work). Due to me being warned in the discord server previously by MEE6 for the same reason I was banned for too many infractions. 

    Not sure if I should make an appeal on the forums or contact JMT. Let me know if I am meant to appeal this another way.

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