CI has to go through 3 Combatant branches, as well as most likely another wave, they are destined to fail, and usually do. No need to make it harder and less fun for them and everyone else who depends on their raids.
Lying on application.
Firstly A1 is fucking gone
Secondly, I don't think I remember you ever being in security. I am one of the heads,, so I think I'd know one of my MAJ's.
Name: Jack S
Warden Name (If applicable): Caligula
Rank: DHOS
Date (MM/DD): 7/14/2021
Date you will return (MM/DD): 7/28/2020
Previous LOA (If applicable): less then a month ago.
Reason (can be private):
In my previous LOA I explained I needed to get surgery, they didn't give me a date, they just gave it to me a bit back on the 22nd. So I'm giving myself some time as I have no drive to play.
You follow rules and such and can be a great person to talk to.
But you loose your temper easy, I don't think this something a support member should show.
You can come off as being rude
But you can be very helpful and nice to new people!
Personally I'd say that if you can hold your temper in a bit then I would want you in support.
106 isn't allowed in D-block
This means nothing, no matter what the MOTD was broken, even if RP gets reset, your ruining theirs for the last momments the server is up.
From what I think Fring was banned for was a video he sent to ZJ that a D-class said "Fuck you ---------" To someone who clipped it.
Been six months +Support