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Posts posted by Mary

  1. On 11/30/2020 at 10:47 PM, Catsro said:

    I mean you can already defend yourself if the dclass hit you first but generally you could just call a staff sit for rdm or ardm which would easily solve this problem. Option #2 if you pull out a weapon to kill them then you are kos'd by gensec for pulling out a weapon and they are also killed lose-lose. Not sure why this would need a change cause 1 you have no nlr as dclass and 2 you could just call staff to handle the case.


  2. 18 minutes ago, Right Twix Bar said:

    +/- Support leaning to +

    On one hand

    Cool idea 

    Pretty unique 

    Seems okay

    On another hand

    No place to put it

    Being able to breach any contained euclid could be annoying (So it can breach 173, 049, and 096)

    On the final hand

    Teleporting would be annoying "Oh I see MTF, lets go to the other side of the map" (I'd suggest not adding it)


  3. 8 minutes ago, Eaten said:

    +/- Support Leaning towards -.

    These are my reasons.
    -Most of the times I have encountered you have been negative
    -Has been generally toxic to me and other Nu7 on SCP's
    -Encouraged people to break rules on SCP's, I have witnessed this once.

    You have changed a bit to be which is a positive.
    Not sure how you are in PvP but thats ok.

    I may change my mind if I see more change, but for now its a -support.


  4. 1 hour ago, Rektify said:

    +/- Support, leaning +Support


    I've seen Garlic in game a few times and I've had no problems with him thus far. I've seen how professional he is and he's pretty neutral in everything that he does. He was a former staff member on SCP RP so he has SOME experience in staffing (but a lot has changed since then). He is well knowledge in the current staff handbook and he seems to be doing alright. 


  5. 3 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    Q16 is wrong
    ET for a long time which is a plus
    Activity could improve
    No screenshot and no poll

    Overall id suggest re reading the staff handbook and giving it a few before applying
    Good luck!


  6. 19 minutes ago, vSquishyv said:


    -It's hit reg is trash

    -Even if it does high damage, literally no one uses it

    -A waste of money
    BUT there is one problem, If the hit reg gets buffed and it gets a really good hit reg, damage should be nerfed or else the weapon would be just crazy OP, so I suggest to nerf the damage and buff the hit reg


  7. 5 minutes ago, Drizzt said:

     arent you just a member? no offense but that can be said to litterally everysingle other appeal, also i said that i did break the rules but not one that would warrent a ban

    Anyone and everyone and have their opinion on whatever post. Does not matter if they are “just a member.” If you are fully admitting to breaking the rules then you should get full punishment for it.


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