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Posts posted by Mary

  1. I believe the swep works like this: 

    If you turn someone and they die, they would still be considered infected and die 10 minutes later. However, I could be heavily wrong with that. It could possibly be just a bug or a problem with the swep itself.

  2. Not really a bug when the swep prolly has a bad hit reg. And the cool down is there so that people don’t spam the swep and end up turning half of MTF. Maybe changing the swep would help but eh.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Squash said:


    Don't even know who you are, and I'm sure others can agree as well, not only that, but 3 fresh warns as well which would lead me to believe that you would abuse the powers given to you if you were made Event Team. Finally the Event you said you would make is very bland, and did not go into much detail about it. You literally just explained that Scp-049 is a sibling of 9.


  4. Name: Mary

    Rank: Member

    Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 11/11/20 to 11/20/2020

    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Burnt out of Gmod and need some time to recollect myself

  5. Assassin, you were one of the coolest and nicest person I have meet while playing on the server. You are the reason why I went back to GENSEC and it was an honor to play alongside with you. I will always remember you as a close friend and the best MAJ to have ever been in security. I wish you luck on your journey and hope to see you again in the future. Never forget about us Gaminglight people, you nerd. 

    -With much love
              Mary ❤️

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  6. 56 minutes ago, Superspudmuff1n said:



    - Probably the most active member of Gensec I have ever seen (behind Jack S)

    EXTREMELY  well written app, one of the most thorough SCMD apps out there

    - A model Low Command member, always fulfills his duties and does his best to help out Gensec whenever possible

    - One of the DHWDs

    - A trusted member of staff

    The best candidate for Major in my opinion

    Also Jameshi is pretty pog.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  7. On 11/5/2020 at 1:11 AM, Peters said:

    + Support
    Genuinely fun person with a good people sense.
    Very Mature
    Good at explaining
    Good under pressure

    Only negative thing I see is that as OWNED said, GOI events are fairly stale.
    However as far as the idea itself goes, it seems very well thought out but still flexible enough to work.


  8. 3 hours ago, icee jay said:

    +/- support I cant give u a full yes honestly. Ive never seen you and you have 2 freash warns. However you have a great app and for some reason I belive you when you say you want to move past the mistakes you made. Good luck dude!!


    1 hour ago, Dragin said:

    +ish support

    Just do me  a favor and re-read  the rules to enforce them you must have a advanced knowledge of them 


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