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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 23 minutes ago, Bread said:

    Medical and Medic classes are rarely used because they are essentially useless. This would force people to use them more, and the jobs would be immensely more active. If you buy a medkit on a CC (other than D-Class), you can have a medic class spawn in medical supplies for you, since they would be more active.

    Not everyone can buy a CC and not everyone wants to be medical. Not everyone has the money to be able to do that. And if it was dead hours, no one would be able to buy supplies Bc CI/D class would just keep killing the medics/CCs

  2. 1 hour ago, Sarge said:

    I begin this by quoting the rules section ALL PLAYERS #3 which states "You should only use props to enhance an RP situation." I hardly see the mass prop spawning of a hazmat dummy in the water on surface a way to enhance an already established RP scenario. 

    Also the screenshots which we provided to Rangiatea further prove that you purposefully went out of your way to attempt to crash the server via mass prop spawning which shows intent.

    It's a -1 from me.


  3. Grade: 75/100

    Lore: 20/25 - Followed both their lore but I can't see why 

    Creativity: 20/25 

    Presentation: 15/25 - Not very colorful, be creative!

    Writing: 20/25 - Could be more detailed

    Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

    Extra Notes: N/A

  4. Grade: 85/100

    Lore: 25/25

    Creativity: 20/25 - Seen it done before, just not with the page numbers.

    Presentation: 20/25 - The colors are a bit bland, be creative with your colors!

    Writing: 20/25 - Very short on the log, remember to put more detail in about how you did the test. It was otherwise good!

    Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

    Extra Notes: N/A

  5. 49 minutes ago, Sammie said:


    I would always love for more scps. 
    Only problem I see is that there isn’t a lot of space. As well as its a really shallow scp. Because who is just gunna trash garfield out of the blue. I can only see this running cold for players to not flag on the scp. 


  6. 4 hours ago, Rektify said:

    On 08/23/2020, Console permanantly banned you for multiple instances of homophobia and racism incidents. This means SMT banned you. We do not take racism lightly and, even if the homophobia part was never included, multiple instances of racism still equals a perma ban. 

    Friends don't just say good things about you. Friends call you out on your bull and if you make the wrong choices in life. They should make you have the desire to become a better version of yourself while they take a part in your life. 

    From how I see this... -Support. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Cogs said:

    Follow the format please


    33 minutes ago, Dragin said:


    advertised it in game with a advert

    Plus you have little to no posts on the forums and even less hours played. 

  8. 38 minutes ago, NeoID said:

    Alright man. Good having you here! Best of luck to you, wherever your road takes you! Don’t be afraid to come talk to us at any time! You will be missed. Cya dude!


  9. 3 hours ago, Dect said:

    This should be a player report
    Go to CI command if you have a problem with it
    Demotion seems valid 
    I see no problem with what he did
    I just see that you need to fix on how you present yourself around other people


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