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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 1 hour ago, Yato Sensei said:

    - Support
    Awful idea. Why nerf the gun when its pretty much up to the player? If you are fighting against it, just spam crouch while moving left to right, no one can hit you even if they are one of the best. 

    Doesn't security have a sniper class? You know, with an AWP? That weapon is way more consistent and doesn't have to reload after every single shot + it deals more damage and there can be a decent amount of snipers + Nu7 can get called in or E11 could be stationed in front of D block.

    Also riot control exists, camp at the purple line and trade shots, you will win 9/10 times unless there is 3 contendors shooting you at the same time.

    Changing to -Support for now until the new map comes.

  2. +/- Support

    From what I noticed while using the gun, it goes from 75 damage to 200. I have only been able to get the full damage maybe once or twice. As such, most CCs are going to be using it if there is a huge raid going on. HOWEVER, if there is only one D-Class CC online, he is weak and very easily taken out by an enlisted or sniper.

    For a possible solution to this problem, instead of just removing the gun fully (because that's a little unfair to take away one of the only guns we can actually use) SMT can fix it so it only does about 40 damage to 75 damage at max. I do agree that an gun being able to do 200 damage in one hit is a little much, for any class that is.

    45 minutes ago, MexicanGuy said:

    +/- Support

    I really consider contender to be a very good weapon, but it has both its pros and cons. This one does good damage as long as you shoot them in the head and only has a 1 magazine.

    I would rather that instead of nerfen it, that it is no longer considered a secondary weapon and that it is no longer possible to put it in a Dclass cc .



    With what MexicanGuy stated, we do only have one shot with the gun and it mostly miss our shots (Or maybe I'm just bad at aiming). Another thing that could be done is to either have the reload speed increased by a little bit or just increasing the mag size but making it a pain in the ass to reload. 

    33 minutes ago, Mind Stone said:

    Time and time again, I've seen my security wiped out with this weapon. I can tell you in absolute confidence that the gun doesn't need to be a headshot to take us down. I agree with Jameshi. It must be nerfed.

    I can agree with this, maybe lowering the limp damage is heavily needed as I have one shot people during after hours and they mad about it. Dealing 200 damage with ANY GUN is really OP, as such why the contender is the most used besides it being one of the only. 

    My opinion is to either lower the number by a shit ton or fully nerf the limb damage. I don't believe fully removing the gun is fair to D-Class as we don't have that many guns to use. I can agree and disagree but so this post isn't any longer than it needs to be, I will end it here. 🙂

  3. Neutral until more of the story comes to the light. 

    Listen man, if you were banned by SMT it's for a good reason. They rarely mess up when it comes to bans, especially bans involving alt accounts. So it's mostly likely you got banned some time ago, forgot about it and then tried to join on a different account. As Saint stated above, SMT ban for a good reason and they do not ban people randomly. SMT themselves will have to talk about your matter since they are the only ones that know for sure.

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  4. Name: Mary

    Rank: SM

    Duration: 4 days. 3/2/2021- 3/6/2021

    Reason: So I have to factory reset my PC and I lost all my old data, and my TS account is messed up. I need a few days to get my tags back and set everything back up on my PC.

  5. +/- Support 

    Only admin+ can give the correct ban for the person mass RDMing. Also you seemed to rush the sit a bit too much. Instead of trying to calm to the dude down, you just ban him then warn. Maybe try to take it slower and get both sides of the story, also try to calm the dude down a little so that he doesn’t get a ban longer than needed.

  6. On 2/20/2021 at 11:25 AM, OWNED said:

    I feel like this is something that needs to be discussed with High command of GENSEC

    as for the suggestion itself, I do believe riot control to still be on the strong side even with the addition of the purple line rule.

    I think the nerfs are somewhat fair tbh, so ill leave a +support


  7. +Support

    D-Class CC’s need a little bit of a buff at this point. Little boring when you get one tapped then the elevator gets camped.

    The weapon is also balanced nicely so it’s not heavily overpowered to be on a D-Class CC. Would honestly come back if this gets accepted.

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