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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 23 hours ago, frog milk said:

    Does not know the rules well
    Tries to make up rules
    Does not have much time on the server

    I do not believe this player would make a beneficial addition to the staff team at this moment.


    13 hours ago, Rektify said:



    I've seen him on GENSEC a few times and he hasn't caused any issues from what I've seen. HOWEVER, Q16 is questionable. If you read the staff handbook, you'd know that a moderator can't ban. You meet the bare minimum for the word requirement but, as Squash stated, I don't think you're ready.


    5 hours ago, vSquishyv said:


    -Doesn't have much experience on the server

    -Is quite mingy 

    -Has been put on a 1 week DNT in Nu-7 for minging at the trainings

    -Doesn't know the rules very well

    Changing to a -support 

  2. 11 hours ago, Rektify said:


    Personally, Squash has done well when it comes to staffing (although his ethics are questionable O_O). He can handle being support and he's an overall decent dude.

    You lackin in your application though. I expected more from you fam  T S K T S K
    Embarrassed Shame GIF


  3. In Game Name: 

    Steam ID: 

    Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + |  Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research/RND - Researcher+):
    Red Right Hand (RRH)

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard:
    Any and all that would need protecting.

    How many Strikes do you have: 

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: 
    I would love to be apart of the 05 staff due to me wanting to help other members of the 05 staff. I would also like to be apart because I have always wanted to help the server and other people more since I have been on the server. As I have been more active these past few weeks, I have wanted to join to that I can better myself with the server and so that I can have some more experience with RP. I also want to be apart of it due to that fact that I would love to protect other high ranking members that might not always be protected from time to time. I would also love to be accepted because I feel like my RP lore would get much better and that I would learn to know more about the 05. 

    Why should we accept you: 
    Mostly everyone that knows me can tell you how active I am/can be. While I was still command in R&D, I was almost always on and helping the other members do tests/protecting them if they were testing or integrating foundation personnel. I also on during late nights, mostly when people were wanting to be trained or when other people were online to do stuff. I am also very active within E11, currently being a MSGT in the branch. I mostly spend my time on E11 doing my duties or on D-Class just having run.
    I am  well known throughout the server and the forums/community. I am a MSGT in E11 and a SFC in CI and I am currently a moderator for the server itself. I am also very friendly on the forums, helping people on their posts if they need help or just giving people fed back with whatever they are suggesting/saying. I am also friendly in game as well, saying hi or helping new players with their problems. I am very new to the server, I only have 6 weeks played but I believe I have proved myself and how respectful I am. 
    Now I know this may not really matter, but as a RRH I feel that being able to protect someone is very important. I know that Surge may disagree with me on this but I have improved my combat skills very much. I have been  active on MTF a lot more lately and I feel like my combat skills with a gun/knife have improved a great deal. I am not calling myself the queen of combat, but I have gotten a lot better at taking down D-Class/CI/MTF more quickly. If I were to be accepted into the team, I know my combat skills would improve with trial and error. 

    Thank you for reading my RRH application! I put a lot of effort and time into this so I hope I get accepted. However, if I get denied I will only improve and learn from it!  
                        -Yours truly,
                                        Mary <3

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. So, I don't really know how to start this off but here we go.

    For the past month/weeks, R&D has become less and less fun for me. I try to get active but then I get discouraged and end up not playing as R&D. I've had these thoughts for awhile now, but I wasn't really sure how or what they meant. Don't get me wrong, R&D has helped me through a lot and I have met so many wonderful and caring people but I feel like I'm taking up an RA spot that someone more deserving should get. The work that I have done will hopefully pass down to the next RA and the next Head of Field Researchers, I leave all that with the person who becomes it. I will still be on the military from time to time or in the Lab if anyone needs help with logs. However, there are a few people I would like to mention before I fully leave R&D:

    Kevi: You furry, you'll make it  far in the branch. Keep going, bro.

    Neo: Get DHOR my guy, also get rid of your body pillow. 

    Vindertech: Mega cringe.

    Kami: Still gotta marry me in game. 

    Cogs: Big furry uwu.

  5. 3 hours ago, OWNED said:

    So just being on the server for 3 days makes you want to become staff?

    - nobody really knows who you are

    - literally no forum activity

    - your application could fit on a post it note

    - you answered questions you werent supposed to


    I wish you luck with your application


  6. On 11/2/2020 at 7:35 PM, Sixx said:


    All jokes aside this man is fucking amazing at his job! When situations get tough this man can get it cleaned up with ease and would do absolutely amazing! Theres 1 slot left for RRH and this man would fill it amazingly! Also he has some experience in the SF field of the server so this wont be anything new for him ;).



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