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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 12 hours ago, Southpaw said:

    I can understand where this is coming from. 682 and 106 are the only real threat to MTF and other personnel. The only time other SCPs are a threat is when they are lose, missing, and have been killing tons of people without being caught.

    SCP-194 is not used and when breached I have seen D-Class kill him, sure he needs a buff and infecting other players in 194 would make it more of a threat. It would also encourage people to buy the SCP Job pack as you said. For now, it looks good and it might make 194 more fun to play on.



  2. 3 hours ago, [GL] Dtscalice said:


    No format

    This SCP is Just No it encourages Erp which is not allowed on the server


    3 hours ago, Dect said:

    NO anime waifu shall be in the facility


  3. 1 hour ago, Southpaw said:

    I really dont have an opinion, mining has died down a lot ever since it got nerfed.  It looks fine but option 2 is a bit insane. It would get actvity but also add a bit of lag

    + Support on option 1

    +/- Support on option 2



  4. 12 minutes ago, DooM Guy said:


    I agree people have lots of money on the server I my self have 1.4mil but we've had a economy reset before and it just sucked. It pissed of a lot of people and people lost their hard earned cash from gambling. Gambling is fine as is. Nerfing gambling would just make it useless. If you're just jealous of people having more money than you just AFK. It's that simple.

    Economy reset = Bad


  5. On 10/25/2020 at 11:59 AM, Kindred said:

    From the time she was command in OMI9 I always saw her as the Commander, her dedication and hard work is resolute and her prowess in RP is better than anyone's on this server PERIOD.


    "All my homies love Kami Events'"






    1 hour ago, Sparkle said:

    Use the warn as a learning opportunity as to what is allowed and what isn't and how far you can take things. Now you know what ERP is and that such is frowned upon here. While it may be on your record permanently, if you can shape up your act, it'll mean little in due time and can argue that.

    The warn is valid so  -Support


  6. 27 minutes ago, October said:

    I know this is Rookie’s job, sorry sir, but I’m gonna steal it and post your warns. You have 27 warns and have clearly shown no intent to RP. I don’t believe you deserve to be unbanned. The biggest shock to me is that you have 2 separate warns for supporting Hitler and even more for racism. (See list of warns below). 

    03/25/2020, 07:33:14SCP[GL] RektifyUsing 173 SWEP to glitch

    03/25/2020, 07:31:54SCP[GL] Rektify ARDM on staff

    07/03/2019, 19:59:52SCPJakubmic spam

    02/20/2019, 18:35:17SCPAnt FailRP x2 & Leaving a sit 

    02/20/2019, 18:13:19SCPAnt FailRP - Staff Diss

    11/26/2019, 03:32:00SCPKillermankey FailRP

    04/09/2019, 19:11:11SCP[GL] ChiefMicspam|Racism

    04/09/2019, 14:04:23SCPAntFailRP

    07/18/2019, 22:13:46SCP[GL] igneouscheatahMicspam

    07/18/2019, 04:54:17SCPDaedranMicspam

    04/07/2019, 21:48:55SCPWeareinfectedSpamming advert

    04/07/2019, 16:22:47SCP[GL] ChiefNCWS|spamming medkit screem

    04/07/2019, 15:46:24SCP[GL] ChiefRDM

    03/02/2019, 00:10:51SCPCocoMinge | Racism | False Advert

    06/08/2019, 14:35:42SCP[GL] igneouscheatahMicspam Again

    06/08/2019, 14:22:14SCP[GL] igneouscheatahMicspam

    02/16/2019, 19:34:04SCPCocoRDM | Leaving sit

    08/31/2019, 01:21:32SCPWeiss Schnee[GL]RDM

    07/01/2019, 01:03:22SCPtraemicspam (playing music in d block)

    07/01/2019, 00:17:21SCPKnucklesMicspam

    07/01/2019, 00:01:56SCP[GL] CatsroMicspamming | Offensive Name

    04/08/2019, 00:54:21SCPKadeMedkit Spam

    03/01/2019, 18:26:26SCP[GL] ChiefSpamming screem on medkit/minge

    03/01/2019, 16:45:31SCPI have DS"Hail Hitler"/Minge/NITRP

    06/07/2019, 00:23:36SCPBorisSaying Heil Hitler.

    02/22/2019, 01:20:25SCPI have DSFailRP | NITRP | Minge | Restricted from 1048~DNR

    02/22/2019, 00:31:42SCPKadeDevProp abuse | Minging

    Seeing the warns, it kinda clear now


  7. 8 minutes ago, JD_HAWK504 said:

    + support

    Dect is a very good guy and a lot of people will agree with me on this. As he said he has been nothing then dedicated to this sever all though I'm not staff I have herd nothing but good things when he was on his  staff job.  he is a fun and great person in security and he follows the rules to the book .  Now in my opinion this is crazy that you got him for exploit cuase I've seen people talking about making a crazy amounts of money like 12million and you get him for making a million to me he lost more money. this is kind of unfair to him because he got staff rank taking away and banned for a week. Dect is a super good person and I truly don't see him trying to exploit.

    Edit: I would hate to see Dect fully removed from staff. He was helped me as a trial mod and helped me through some pretty tough sits. I know he wouldn’t do this, I’ve seen many others get lots of money from gambling.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Squash said:


    I understand you want people to close bunks door, however it seems very unneeded and would be extremely annoying. Also only Research Bunks? Why would we get all the Scps to cause chaos in our bunks only?

    Also another thing, say if a Researcher does come out of bunks and is about to close the door, there is a delay between the timing when you can open & close, so the Scp can just kill the Researcher and enter. Its far easier to just punish those researchers who dont close it instead of let Scps do the punishing.


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