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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 31 minutes ago, enuz 💣 said:

    +/- support
    I think we can find a middle ground and disallow ALL CI from coming back other than Longshots and Infiltrators. Given the new Watch Tower on the surface I think that it provides a good obstacle for the surface because otherwise, I see MTF holding it before us. I think the middle ground will cause the least amount of issues from both sides. 


  2. 41 minutes ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:

    Kinda like how it is now. Shouldn't be so easy to stay alive that long. Ideally yes it would be nice, but I think it's perfectly fine the way it is. You can still heal your HP to max. It's only armor you cannot. It'll get out of hand for classes that have above 200 armor.


    Messed up with the hp thing, fixed it as I suck at typing 

  3. What are you suggesting? - 
    For people who have more than 200 armor be able to buy up to there level cap. It is kind of annoying to be on a CC with 200 Armor and only able to buy up tp 100 when you are fighting D-Class, CI, etc. 

    How would this change better the server? - 
    So that we can have our extra armor when we need it and so that we always have it. It will help MTF with their daily jobs and it will help CI when they raid or try to get SCPs from the foundation.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - 
    Nothing that I can see.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - 
    Everyone in MTF, CI, etc. 

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -

    Edit: fixed spelling mistakes

  4. In-Game Name:

    SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) : 

    What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff):

    What is your time played on the SCPRP server?:
    Around 8-9 weeks. It's bugged in-game so it only shows that I have a day instead of the full time.

    What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?:
    MTF E11 SM and GenSec LCPL (If I haven't been removed from GenSec yet)

    What is your timezone?:

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10):

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it):
    I used to be a former ET member and Senior Moderator for SCP-RP

    How Active are you? (1/10):
    I have just gotten off LOA but I will be on almost everyday.

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers.Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.):
    Currently 0

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?:
    For one, I can be trusted with ET powers as I have been a senor moderator as well as a ET member before resigning due to family issues. I know how to do most, if not all, of the ULX commands and how to use them correctly. I can also be trusted not to use my staff powers off-duty, I have never used them while off the job only maybe once to help someone that was stuck in the ceiling of D-Block.  Since I was a former senior moderator, I know how to fully control my actions and the commands that most staff and ET use. 

    I know I haven't been around, however, this is mostly due to having family stuff come up and being join. I used to be on everyday, be it on D-Class, staff, or even E-11 when I was a 2LT. I promise if I were to get ET once again, I would do events almost everyday so that other people can have fun stuff to do and so that the foundation doesn't get bored. When I put my heart to something, everyone can say how I would get it done within a few days and actually care about the things I put my time into. I loved doing events, at one point events were the only thing keeping me from leaving entirely. 

    I am also every well known around the server, having been in almost every branch or just having around in TS late at night. Everyone that knows me truly can say how hard working I am and how much time I have actually put into staff and ET before I had left fully. I do really wish for a second try at ET, as it is really fun and I know that my events would be fun for others to do and just something for others to do while the server is at downtime or if it's late at night.

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):
    I was thinking of doing a mass SCP-049 zombie event. I would start off by 049 getting out of containment and slowly start turning the people around him into zombies. Depending on if the server is really active at that time, the number of zombies would grow fast and MTF would have to work together to try and stop them. MTF would get turned here and there while some zombies would die. Soon, 049 would get out the building which would lead to a huge battle between the zombies and MTF/CI. 

    I know the idea is kind of basic but I have never seen it down in my time on the server and it seems like a fun thing to do. 

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?:

    What is your favorite SCP? Why?:
    Before my favorite SCP was SCP-1762, but as of late I haven't really found an SCP that I really like. SCP-1762 used to be my favorite because of how the SCP really depended on others for it's survival. It kind of showed how some people are like that, depending on others, which lead to them sadly dyeing out. 

  5. +/-
    - That's kinda on you if you didn't get fully trained/didn't go to a higher up to get full training
    - While it isn't as bad as abusing your powers as staff, it is still very important to do sits so you get to know the community and work on your staff skills. Imperial and SCPRP are two VERY different servers with different ways of handling situations.
    + I suppose if you waited at least half your time and if Rang said it was okay, then you may get a second chance depending on if you get trained fully this time
    + I can understand that it's scary to ask for help, given you are on a new server with new SMT/JMT etc. 
    + Maybe wait a few more days before actually trying to get staff again, maybe re-read the staff handbook a few more times. 

    I wish you luck on your appeal, though!

  6. 7 minutes ago, Camden said:

    Do you not believe in people changing or somthing?

    I most definitely do, but only if they fully show me that they have changed and actually deserve the second chance. And you haven’t done that. 


    Going to stop replying so other people can do their support. 

  7. -Support

    You abused your powers by telling others where a person was. You also warned a few players that DID NOT require a warn for. While a few other staff members and I tried to help/confront you, you just blew it off and kept saying okay. 


    I believe the staff restriction should remain permanent as you proved you are not fit for staff in any way, shape, and form. You showed no care for the handbook and that should be a perm restriction in my eyes. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Henessy said:

    "Sleuth has a 20 min NLR when you die in the foundation. This is mostly in place because of the 3 job cap."

    Even if you were killed by staff by your request, it counts as NLR.

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