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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 10 hours ago, Guinea Pig said:

    Ok I have nothing wrong with you but this is a low effort application. The reason I'm saying this is because there is a TON of spelling mistakes. The last question is also not to well written.
    Good luck!

    No effect put into this. The MRDM question is answered a little half-assed. I have nothing against you but you are not ready for staff. 

  2. 10 hours ago, The CI Zero said:


    When I host raids as CI I always try to go easy on the lights and at least wait one full raid before turning off lights but this would help with Maynard just messing with lights. So I would just like to see this mainly be a change for Maynard and less of CI as a whole.  But from what I can tell it's just one Maynard doing it so I don't think it's a huge problem for CI military. But still this would be a addition that will better help with Maynard trolling. 


  3. So here are the reasons why I don’t support this.

    First off, you are command and yes you can be trusted, however I have seen you become very toxic towards myself and other people on the server. I have seen you minge a bit while playing as SCPs and I have even had to deal with you for it. I feel as if you would use your power to warn others for no reason or just if they pissed you off. You have RDMed a rather large amount in the E11 base or just hit people for no reason. You threaten to kill people when they don’t listen to you or if they do something you don’t like



    I believe given a bit more time and a little more time to experience the server, you could maybe become a staff member. But you still need to at least calm down on being toxic and maybe wait a bit before trying to become staff

    -Support for now

    I wish you luck


  4. 1. What is your Ingame Name:  

    2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it):    

    3. Rank:    

    4. Time on server:    
    7 weeks

    5. Total strikes ever received:    

    6. How many warns do you have on GL:   

    7. Who gave you permission to apply:    
    Consario and Price

    8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?:  

    9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words):     
    I believe I would be fit for ACM due to the fact I have rather good combat skills. I am able to kill and protect others with my life and ensure that they can either do their test freely or that they can heal/work on their patients. I would also be fit for ACM because I would like to help out lower ranking medics or field medics/scientists with their needs if they so needed it. If I were also to be picked, I would be very active in doing medical stuff and healing people while also protecting and server others at D-Block or around LCZ/HCZ if needed. I would also help the other ranks by watching other their surgeries or other medical stuff to help guide them. 

    10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do?
    Depending on if the CI were in LCZ or HCZ, I would either heal the CPL or go help the AI. If the CI were not close, I would heal the CPL up a bit just so he wouldn't die then I would go help the AI with the CI in HCZ. However, if the CI were in LCZ or near medbay, I would tell the CPL to hide and wait there while I would go help with the CI. Once they were killled, I would then go back to the CPL and heal him back up and continue on with my day.

  5. 8 hours ago, OWNED said:

    +/- Support

    + you're a well known member

    + from what I know, you are also quite active and follow the rules

    - your reasoning on why we should accept you isnt really well written and just barely passes word count

    - in a vacuum, the event just sounds like a minge fest (#trevdec event)

    I wish you luck with your application 



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