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Posts posted by Mary

  1. On 12/18/2020 at 8:56 PM, Squash said:


    I do think you're ready for the position of O5 Research, you have shown me and others that you can handle responsible titles such as Research Command. However there is a lot of spelling errors in this Application, something that makes it look unprofessional, such as using "u" instead of properly typing "you" This is something that can be easily fixed though.



  2. On 12/15/2020 at 11:26 PM, Peters said:

    + Support

    • Professional
    • Respectful
    • Responsible
    • Dedicated
    • Fun to be around
    • Good at RP

    Pills is an amazing member of Maintenance and I have enjoyed every interaction I have had with them in both CI and in Utility. Pills has recently joined ET and has used that as an opportunity to show their dedication and creativity in RP situations. He is fun to be around but knows when things need to be serious, he has done great things in command and I believe he will do great things in O5 Logistics too. I hope to see this man on the job soon.



  3. 5 hours ago, Orange 🍊 said:

    From the Staff Handbook:
    "Additionally, staff that quit or resign from their positions are prohibited from applying for a staff position again for a minimum of two months unless provided an exemption by a Manager+."

    I did not know this, I will ask the cheetah if I have his perms. I will edit the post or delete it if I can get a response in time!

    Edit: Cheetah man has allowed me to apply.

  4. 4 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:


    Acted extremely immature on multiple occasions and was removed from Nu7 for toxicity as well. We had to tell him to cloak multiple times during the day and he wouldn't  listen. Moreover he has very little knowledge of the rules and staff handbook and issued false warns without any sits, this had led to people being misguided about rules.
    He even abused his staff powers to help others metagame which is ridiculous. In one day he has broken so many guidelines and has acted very unprofessional, stepping over the lines multiple times. 
    When we pointed something out to him, he would brush it out with an attitude which just looks unprofessional. This isnt what is expected of a staff member at all in my opinion and just leaves a bad impression of staff to others.


  5. 7 minutes ago, Camden said:

    Just because they appeal it does not means its automatically a false warn


    This warn was for homophobia, which was false due to it NOT being anywhere near homophobic. Even as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, that comment was far from being offensive. The one regarding Maxi for teaming was NOT teaming yet the warn was for teaming with 682. The SCP Maxi was playing is supposed to kill ALL people he sees and it’s not his fault, he just happened to roll up and kill the MTF. Two false warns in my eyes. I will stop replying to not make this post longer than it needs to be. 

    • Like 3
  6. +Support 

    I feel the staff member needs to be talked about on his current actions. He has given two false warns so far but he has warned quite a few people tonight. I wonder how many of those were true. 

  7. 36 minutes ago, Squash said:


    There is literally no logs on 682 uncuffing 173 or even remotely close to teaming with him, from what I've been told is that two people or the MTF were rolling against 173, then 682 killed them. Thats not teaming, 682 is supposed to literally kill everything. Its teaming with the foundation if 682 did not kill the MTF.

    The fact that Camden is in MTF, makes me sense a lot of bias from this. Like a straight away warn, no verbal prior to this event.


  8. 13 hours ago, [GL] Godbert Manderville said:


    Gensec  stand for general security They fact the have thermals  makes no since they should be only for Command not for 80% of Gensec

    Riot Control already have more health than most of CI at this point Gensec  is a MTF branch in it self they are meant to combat d class not CI



  9. 13 minutes ago, Ages said:


    -It was added to give d class a more enjoyable time on the server so they're not gunned down immediately and to give them a better chance

    -It also make riot control a better class to play on and is much more active now

    -Security can still hold D Block just makes it easier for the D Class

    -I personally belive the barricade should stay as it is unless it gets out of hand

    Seems like the new barricade helps the D-Class fight. Unless the system gets abused or becomes overpowered in any way, it does not need to be fixed/removed 

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