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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. -Support You were new to PC and your first thought was to threaten to DDOS a server?
  2. I'm confused? This is normal?
  3. thank you jacky very epic
  4. You posted this in PoliceRP staff applications lol
  5. +Support Would be nice to see, I had an idea similar to this a couple days ago I was just to lazy to actually make a forums post. It would reward players with better money making ways for playing on the server which is pretty cool.
  6. After hearing John's side they really shouldn't have shot him. Yes resets should be done in private to avoid stuff like this, but they knew, and shot him anyways.
  7. I think they're pretty cool
  8. Here is the content pack for PoliceRP - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2051497360
  9. +Support - Previous Staff - Dedicated - Active Good luck Soul!
  10. -Support I wouldn't trust either of those addons, they had a backdoor in one of those drug addons years ago. On top of that they're really not even good.
  11. I agree with Ronin on this, a verbal warning would have been enough, no need for an actual warning over crossfire, crossfire happens all the time
  12. Accepted Ponik Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  13. Your In-game: Drippy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:125117392 The player's name in-game: DimasikOF4 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:177969680 What did the player do: Reached 20 warns, and 30 warns. Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198316205089 What do you believe should happen to the player: Receive a ban for his 20 warns, and 30 warns. Any extra information: N/A
  14. +Support https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198152747922
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