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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. Drippy


    That's crazy bro
  2. just hit 1 billion in game time to spend it all on crates
  3. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  4. -Support User already received their 30 warning threshold ban. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199107270738
  5. Accepted Russia Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  6. +Support Clear violation of the physgun guidelines, and you have been spoken to in the past about breaking physgun guidelines.
  7. -Support Magic didn't break any rules in this situation
  8. Accepted Cade Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks. Also SWAT will be hosting tryouts on June 26th, (tomorrow) at 5:00 PM EST. You must at least CPL+ in PD or SSA+ in FBI to attend the tryouts.
  9. Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant In-Game Name: Drippy SteamID: STEAM_0:0:125117392 Current Rank: Sergeant Major How long have you been in your current rank?: A little over 3 months What timezone are you in?: Eastern Standard Time How many Warns do you have?: 1 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): There's several reasons as to why I feel I should be promoted. Firstly, I have been active in the community for nearly a year, learning a lot from my experiences on the server, and learning how everything works. Secondly, I have prior experience in being command, and I currently am the Commander of SWAT. I feel that I am capable in managing lower ranks, and know how to handle most situations. Thirdly, my availability is great. I'm typically always available to go to meetings, help out officers, or do a ride along. Finally, I am always trying to help lower rankings when I'm on. They're the future of the server, and I try my best to make sure they know what they're doing, and I feel PD Command has a very important job on the server because of that. They not only shape them into better officers, but they are helping get them ready for their future on the server. Overall I feel that I should be promoted to Lieutenant because of my prior experience, my activity on the server, and knowledge of the server. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  10. Drippy


    bro crazy Damn
  11. Oh SWAT? I knew you always loved us!
  12. Accepted Jumpy Denied Jeffern If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  13. Rockford S.W.A.T Department Application In order to apply for Rockford S.W.A.T Department you need to be SGT+ in PD or SSA+ in FBI or you will be denied instantly! S.W.A.T is always looking for new members and if you think you have what it takes, apply today! Click here to apply!
  14. ➢ S.W.A.T Handbook Links S.W.A.T Handbook: LINK S.W.A.T FTO Handbook: LINK ➢ Other S.W.A.T Links S.W.A.T Application: LINK S.W.A.T Public Roster: LINK PoliceRP Main Discord: LINK
  15. Post moved to the correct location
  16. -Support Like Ice said, this user currently only has 29 warns on PoliceRP. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199142252739
  17. -Support - No Format I jailed earlier today for 20 minutes for being homophobic, then I added an additional 30 minutes to your sentence due to you saying it again. After you spending 35 minutes in jail I decided to be nice and speak with you, and let you out early. I told you if I caught you saying it on the server again it would result in a week ban., and you said it again just about 6 hours later.
  18. Post moved to the correct location
  19. +Support After watching the video it's pretty clear he didn't say the N-Word.
  20. +Support This isn't the first time this has happened, it happened a few days ago as well.
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