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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  2. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  3. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  4. @ViceCome speak to me in TS when you're free
  5. Accepted N/A Denied PvpSavage If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  6. -Support Although this does happen, its a fairly easy fix. You can either shoot them when they steal the car, or lock the car after putting the nozzle into your car. I mean yes, they can still technically steal your car if they lock pick it, but if they're too close for your liking, you can always warn them 3 times in chat to back off. Honestly a bigger problem then your car being stolen, is people running up and using their gravity gun on the nozzle so it stops fueling the car. That can also be solved with warning them 3 times to back off.
  7. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  8. Accepted Justin Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks. SWAT Tryouts this Sunday at 5 PM EST!
  9. Accepted Whale Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  10. Yo can I finally get the Etheral after losing all my money?
  11. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  12. Accepted Godz Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  13. Unfortunately I don't have as much free time as I did a few months ago, and I can't be active in this department. Thanks for all the fun times on FBI! Hopefully some day I can return when I have the time!
  14. This post here should contain all the information you need!
  15. Accepted N/A Denied Paul George If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  16. Accepted MutedMonster Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks. SWAT tryouts tomorrow at 5 PM EST! (Saturday the 24th!)
  17. +Support - Active on the forums - Well written application - Friendly & Helpful
  18. +Support - Friendly - Active on the forums - Very helpful
  19. +Support - Well written application - Active on the forums - Friendly
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