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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. Upload these into the original report please.
  2. This suggestion is completed! The suggestion is either in-game or will be in next restart! Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestion! Status: Completed
  3. This suggestion is currently being worked on to be added in-game! Status: In Progress
  4. This suggestion is completed! The suggestion is either in-game or will be in next restart! Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestion! Status: Completed
  5. This suggestion is currently being worked on to be added in-game! Status: In Progress
  6. Accepted! Management have reviewed this and will start looking at getting this added into the server! Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post!
  7. I added this rule a few days ago, and it applies to both crim and gov. Gov should pull off from the pursuit after their vehicle is destroyed.
  8. You've been in SWAT for as long as I can remember, and I got to watch you go from the person that nearly got removed for meta gaming, to a command member that helped me lead the department. You've put in a lot of work for SWAT and it will definitely be weird not having you around. Thanks for everything you've done for SWAT, good luck in your future endeavors!
  9. That explains why I'm on there twice Well I was until he edited it smh smh
  10. You shouldn't have lost any levels or money. Everything should have been restored after the server was restarted to fix this issue.
  11. Denied Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks. ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  12. This suggestion is completed! The suggestion is either in-game or will be in next restart! Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestion! Status: Completed
  13. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  14. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  15. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  16. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  17. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  18. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  19. You should already be unbanned, here's an invite! https://discord.gg/52XZymwxgr
  20. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  21. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
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