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Everything posted by SDFvzbdraefDempsy

  1. I haven't really been on SCP for awhile but from the things I've heard and seen, I completely agree with this
  2. Ive known Quicky for awhile now, and he has tons of experience in SF and he is always there to step up to do something if it needs to be done, 100% deserves the spot
  3. +SUPPORT -Really good at his job -Active -Always willing to help members of IF -Great person in general and fun to be around -Good application -Deserves the position 100%
  4. +Support -Great NCO -Fun person to be around -Great Application
  5. +Support -Active -Does a lot of work in SF -Cobra squad captain -Has been in SF a long time
  6. +Support -Nice person and is fun to be around -Has experience -Active -Deserves the spot
  7. Gonna miss ya noah, as much as a fucked with you, it was a good time all around, have a good one man
  8. What is your name: Dempsy What is your rank: Fighter Pilot How long have you been enlisted: 4 Days What rank are you applying for: Senior Pilot How many strikes do you have: 0 Why should we trust you with an NCO rank: I should be trusted with the rank as I'm active on the server, attending sims and events. On Top of this I should be trusted due to my past experience in Starfighters as I was a Cobra Squad Officer, Supervisor, and an officer at the rank of Squad Lead. What can you do to assist officers with this rank: With the rank of NCO I will help officers by hosting training, and helping with sims, and anything they need from me. Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put down to the Enlisted rank: Yes.
  10. yo ima downvote your page 

  11. MASSIVE +SUPPORT -He's been around for a long ass time -Extremely dedicated -Very good with all aspects of RP -Great person -He's made major improvements -Tons of experience
  12. you sent me this DM then blocked me before i could respond "recently" -- ive also heard people say you've sucked up to them, such as mateo and even zeus
  13. -Support I've seen you for awhile, and all I've seen from you is sucking up to high ranks for power, I think a lot of people see this too. It started out with Zeus when you wanted a higher rank in E11, and it expanded into other members of the server, I honestly don't see you fit for any position of power. You are also very easily frustrated which I do not think is very characteristic of a good staff member. To add on to this you even recently used your newly gained power as E11 Commander to blacklist me stating "I can finally blacklist Dempsy", showing clear player targeting as a command member, and bad use of power. I also rarely see you on staff. And on top of all this you are extremely disrespectful to people, when I didn't even know who you were, you were really disrespectful to me, and I've seen you be disrespectful to other people too. A great example of this is with Daniels, when you told him to "Shut the fuck up" for no reason when he joined a meeting earlier this week. You also have an extremely low patience level and can get very hotheaded to people while taking staff sits, which is just an awful trait for even a Trial Moderator. As of now I don't see you fit for ANY staff rank unless you can start being more respectful. Many people may see differently than me, but this is just how I see things.
  14. You’ve been around for awhile man, I remember when you first joined as a private, you did a great job in command, gonna miss ya
  15. I may disagree with you in some points, but you're a great guy, and a great DoTF, maybe one day you'll be a rho, good luck with all your future endeavors!
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