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Everything posted by Flixy

  1. Another reason for my -support is that you need more time as research administrator
  2. -Support Went on the CI Heavy job and killed our RRH hostage.
  3. -Support Sarkic rarely every get on, so this really isn't a issue.
  4. +Support Great Senior Admin Amazing Reputation Former High Command Very Nice & Easy to talk to
  5. +Support Bro is going to be the best pick for Senior ET. (bro don't even got his TS or forums tags )
  6. +Support F2000 finna get nerfed soon btw soooo
  7. Grade: 85/100 Lore: 25/25 Creativity: 20/25 Presentation: 20/25 Writing: 20/25 Exceeds Expectations! Well done.
  8. After reading the replies I made a decision -Support on Pure being punished +Support for you to be unbanned Overall the situation was funky and Pure made a mistake like we all do.
  9. +Support Please do this, maynard is no longer fun to play on. And when you kill people they just make a report on you saying "That wasn't a reason to kill me/cuff me"
  10. In-game name: Flixy SteamID: STEAM_0:1:457512906 Current RP rank in All Divisions (Ex. Senior Medic, Security Officer): R&D AIN | Nu7 MSGT | V6 Volo VII How long have you been a Event Team Member: About 3 months Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if you remember): No How much time do you have on the server? (Press F1): 10 weeks How well do you know the SCP lore in general?: Over the course of being ET I have definitely gained more knowledge about the lore, I would say a 8/10. Why do you WANT to become a Senior Event Team Member?: More Freedoms If I said one of my biggest reasons I would like to become Senior Event Team is that I have more freedoms I wouldn't be lying. My biggest desire of the server is to make people happy and with the abilities of Senior ET it will really help me give a concept and make my events bigger as well as my PT's. I believe that Senior Event Team will really increase my event span and overall give me a better boost on the server. I have many ideas that I can only do if I have Senior Event Team, most of them being PT's for R&D and Nu7. As well as helping other branches with their PT's. My wanting and desire of becoming Senior Event Team isn't only the abilities and powers that come with it, but it's the responsibilities and dedication as well. Currently the Event Team isn't doing it's best, but adding more Senior Event Team could really make it better especially for Leader's because there is only 1 Senior Event Team answering questions and doing events. I'm really active on the forums and in the discord so I will be able to answer the questions as well. Also I really love training people and I have the time for it so I will be able to train people for ET. Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Event Team Member?: Activity My activity on the server and in the Event team is like no other. I am on the server daily for hours doing Events and doing sits, I'm also doing branch work as I recently got Assistant Inspector in R&D. Compared to the other applicants my activity beats them entirely. For the Events I average about 4-6 Events a week AND without quota being there that also shows increasing amount of dedication that I have. Overall my activity stands out for a Senior Event Team. Dedication During my time in the Event Team I have shown OUTSTANDING dedication to it. I have helped many people with their Events and questions. I haven't been in the Event Team for long, but for the time I have been in here I have done a good job. I have done many server wide events with many branches being involved. I continue to do the absolute best of my ability for the Event Team and I plan to keep it that way as I move forward in it. Strikes/Warnings During my time I haven't gotten any strikes and only 1-2 verbal's. My warnings on the other hand is no so different, but if you think about it 17 warns in 3 years really isn't that bad. Before when I was on the server I wasn't as mature as I was now, nor have I had many friends that would actually support me. Now I haven't had a warning in a very long time on SCP-RP, and I have proven to be more mature then I am now. Have you mastered ULX?: Absolutely during my time I have only made 1 mistake with it (being brining a lot of people). Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?: Recently I did sort of one. My baby SCP-354-4 Event was pretty big involving researchers, mainteancne, security & MTF. Give an example of a mega event: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kLwcg8bLp_Z2YNBR8CmPREqjsnFCt9GxJgPJ3dE4u6c/edit What do you consider to be the best event you have ever created: My mini SCP-354-4 Event. What is your Total Amount of Events according to the "Events Hosted" column on the roster?: 20 How active can you be: 10/10 100/100 1000/1000 Note: Guarantee some of you guys will put a -support for "bad interactions". I know who you are and all I would like to say is that I had a bad day. I know the exact interaction and I was just not "having it" because I had a family member pass and my staff app denied. Also you guys were screaming and I was just trying to listen to the PT host. Hope that clears things up.
  11. Lore: 20/25 Creativity: 10/25 Presentation: 15/25 Writing: 15/25 Test quality: 60% Meets Expectations Extra Notes: Grammar could be a little better, the log is pretty short, but it's pretty good.
  12. Flixy

    Bug Found

    this had been a thing for a while, u didn't find it it's very well known. but idk if their trying to fix it
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