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Flixy last won the day on January 1 2022

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  1. Let's start from the beginning. You asked me why I -supported your ET application, I gave you my response. I may have said I could recommend you to get denied, but I gave you my answer to why I denied you and I was trying to stop you from spam DM'ing me when I'm tryna sleep. I asked R&D gamma when they are choosing leads for field specialist, they kept ignoring as Gar said. I then spammed it so I can get my question answered before they can leave and discuss promotions. When you asked Gamma did my application go through they said you were denied. You asked "why" I then responded with the answer they would. Also responses from a application I made months ago comparing to now is ridiculous, you -supported it for our DM's and my "character". Like I'm still a kid I can get hyper sometimes and fuck up and do fun shit. I took aggression on the PT because they wouldn't be quite and since the clip is cut after I said to be quite since I'm trying to listen to the PT host. I said that to tell you how my day went and so we can carry on with the PT. Me and ZJ bickering has been dealt with many times over. Like we agreed to stay away from each other, but clearly he didn't actually listen to the staff member as there is a player report on me. Although me telling him to kill himself was a joke and then we were good friends. I do apologize. Me using my commands off-duty, I kinda had a reason since you gave me to a AFK delta command and I wanted to raid with the group. You asking ONLY security command of what they think of me when I just had left it is really based. Ask some CI guys they will give you their opinion, but you only asked the people that I have bad reputation. THEY also had bought a slot on MY CC. I OWN it so I CAN do WHATEVER I want. Hope that clears things up!
  2. Flixy

    Job Change Bug

    What bug is occurring? It won't let me switch to Tau-5 because it says "I am already playing this job" Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? Tau-5 (For now) Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? This is the second time. Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action:
  3. -Support You are blacklisted from ET.
  4. +Support Amazing Command Member Active on the forums Good Application Isn't dumb & does his job
  5. Post name: “General Suggestion - NameOfWhatIsBeingSuggested” What are you suggesting? - How would this change better the server? - Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Who would this change mostly benefit? - Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -
  6. -Support All of my recent interactions with you have only been toxic.
  7. Flixy

    Flixy - Warn Appeal

    So either way im gonna get 1 warn removed since avalon warned me for Fail-RP and 5 mins later RDM. Even though nothing had happened after wards. I spoke with piller and he said that's not supposed to happen.
  8. Avalon said he needed help since he didn't know if harassment is a warn able thing. After that Nice took care of the sit from there.
  9. Flixy

    Flixy - Warn Appeal

    I want both, Ik why I got warned for RDM, but not Fail-RP.
  10. Flixy

    Flixy - Warn Appeal

    To Clear Something. I was warned twice when i was only meant to be warned once. It was a mistake on the admins part.
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