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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. I'm making this is a suggestion to be added to the MOTD. I'm doing so because I feel this shouldn't be stated but it somehow does, as today before the MTF meeting CI were raiding. I thought that wasn't allowed so I stated that in OOC, I will provide screenshot at the end, other also stated that's what they thought as well. Boozle responded by saying yes they can, and then a shades added "says what rule.". I looked through the CI SOP and the MOTD for a rule stating this and to my surprise, there wasn't. I then took the initiative to make a suggestion to adding this rule in the MOTD as SOP's tend to change I feel this is a rule that shouldn't be removed, changed, or over all excluded in the future changing of the SOP.

  2. Like I said I don't care about the last 30min, if you read it thoroughly you would know this. I was also alt tabbed during the meeting and came back to an infill negeving our meeting, I did not know the context and for that I'm sorry. I also believe that MTF are in the wrong for that and will edit the suggestion accordingly to add that no in RP stuff shall be going on during a meeting. But I will also note that CI raiding exactly 14 minutes prior to the MTF meeting, in full knowledge that the MTF meeting was occurring within that time frame. That is what I'm mainly suggesting. I will edit the suggestion so instead of 30min before and after it will just be 30min before, and if that seems to outrageous just 20min before, nothing lower as RC'ing things, fighting CI, and dealing with possible D-class take a long time to deal with.

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  3. What are you suggesting? - Requesting that MTF or CI can't raid 30 min before a meeting from the time of the designated meeting starting time. Also to add that NO in-game activities shall be taking place during said meeting as it is a out of character zone.

    How would this change better the server? - I already thought this was a rule in place but apparently it isn't so that's why I'm making this suggestion. Also I wish to note that I'm not suggestion CI can't raid on their meeting day, I'm suggesting that they can't raid while the MTF meeting is taking place. While the reason why is because 1. During meetings that is when the most important information is being givin and it would just destroy the flow of the meeting, the concentration the command members as they are giving important information and the enlisted for receiving the information. 2. It is extremely rude and WILL cause arguments in chat and hate towards one another and that's not right. NOTE, This will go both ways. Also to clarify I wish for this new rule to be added to the MOTD. Also I may add Security to the mix but I don't think it's absolutely needed, will edit to add them if requested.
    Also as I was writing this a CI infil decided to shoot up the MTF meeting video- https://medal.tv/clips/28925737/d1337fimsLTz
    Screenshots of BLOGS of the infil shooting up the meeting-
    Note- I'm keeping the videos in not as a reason to use for this suggestion, but as an example of what could happen in the future. This can also go both ways so CI members please remember this.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No, besides making it so where CI can't raid for around 30min and same as MTF while the CI/MTF meeting are in place 30min before and after.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - MTF and CI.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - Nope

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  4. -support
    When I see you on the server you were pretty chill and respectful. Your app is pretty good, but your not to active any more. If you still had that same activity as before I would totally +support this but activity is extremely important for being a staff member.

  5. +support
    So I'm pretty sure your saying that 076 can not leave the black box he spawns in unless it's for self breaching, D-class, or CI. So if a MTF or researcher open the black box he doesn't instantly breach/escape, as that would make researching 076 extremely hard.

  6. What are you suggesting? - The removal of the Nitroglycerin from the Demolitions expert job and replace it with the cell phone bomb.

    How would this change better the server? - Well as of late a lot of people have been crashing when hit with the nitro. One example is when around 30 CI were raiding and 1 demo expert crashed around 15-20 of them, finishing the raid instantly. It also lags the server for a little when used. I also wish for it to be replaced with something reasonable like the C4 or the M79 Grenade Launcher. Or if people wish to suggest a new weapon on the server and would like it added to the demo expert, as in comment on this post to make a suggestion and I will update this suggestion if someone finds a good addon.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Well it can remove some incentive to not buy the MTF job pack or just not to play on the demo expert

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - CI and MTF

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - No

  7. 2 hours ago, Da da da said:

    That argument doesn’t work when medics now have shotguns that follow meta making them op and GENSEC having negevs or whatever they want.

    im seeing a pattern of medics getting a secret shotgun that makes no sense...


    ok in what world are medics having shotguns, or are you talking about the ACM, the 3 slots on it with only 1 good gun which is the benelli. 
    Ok so after I posted this booob asked me to weapon test the shotguns so I can see how OP they actually were. After that I changed my opinion and do agree they need a nerf, not on damage but on range. I personally like it when all the guns do a shit ton of damage, espacially shotguns, as it makes people think more when CI or MTF raiding and turning the corner and wondering "am I about to have my ass handed to me on a plate by a shotgun or not." then just "I don't care I can tank 100 hits of the shotgun and kill them with my golden pan." BUT I do strongly agree the range of the shotguns need to be hella nerfed.

  8. you got to understand, the ordinance specialist isn't that good. The grenade launcher is honestly the worst weapon in the entire game, single shot, can't even kill a 125 125 on a direct hit, explosion itself isn't that big or powerful. The C4 is good...if the person (or people) you wan't dead are trapped and either can't hear you push the buttons or can't see the microwave size bomb on the floor with glowing numbers for 10 seconds. The sticky is pretty good if you can aim with it, which takes practice. It can seem the nitro is overpowered but I believe it is also situational as it can destroy either your side or the enemies as if accidently push M1 or just a teammate happens to walk in front of you well then....your all dead.

  9. In-Game Name: Jack

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:102743983

    What is your ULX Rank?: Moderator

    What is your RP Rank?: Assistant Head Of Medical Staff (AHOMS), E11 1ST lieutenant, 05 Medic, Maintenance Professional.

    What is your timezone?: CT (Central Time Zone)

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 5 (working to improve with help from some peeps)

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I do not

    How Active are you? (1/10): 10

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 2

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: Well I'm very active within the community and was convinced by glados and owned to apply for event team. I wish to join so I can share my creative thought about SCP's and how things can be manipulated and changed differently then people may originally think. I can think of some pretty crazy and fascinating events and wish to again share them among people of gaminglight SCP-RP. I also wish to broaden my horizon of SCP lore by working with the most knowledgeable people upon the subject on the server and will help teach and mentor me about it.  I also wish to create fun for SCP-RP and help keep the numbers as is and even expand. I want to create fun for everyone and try not to leave anyone as it can seem rude, mean, targeted, boring, and just over all not fun for said people and myself. I work hard to keep my character intact and my name clean, I also wish to do the best I can and improve. If I make mistakes I learn from them and fix my character and future actions accordingly. I wish to also learn what it's like to have a lot on my plate and also learn how to manage my time as AHOMS, staff, E11, and event team (hopefully) and be active in all as well have time for friends outside GL, this will help me IRL to with time managing. I work hard to achieve my goals even if I go uphill, I wish to make everyone happy and I feel being event team will do just that for me. 

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):1 event is dealing with SCP-047. I will do where site 05 receive a message where lab 047B has been taken over by a GOI and before complete destruction they have sent over SCP-047, in the transmission it says MTF to grab SCP-047 at the helipad outside gate A and will be escorted inside the foundation. While the transmission is being aired CI personnel reach the transmission at the same time and also begin to prepare for SCP-047's arrival. While SCP-047 is being transported to the island and over DNB mountain CI operatives shoot down the helicopter and it crashes outside the 05 house. MTF and Ci have to rush over there and retrieve the SCP before each other OR before the rusted container breaks open due to it's capsule being broken during the crash. Both sides fight heavily for the SCP (whoever wins will take the SCP as this event can go for either side). As either MTF or CI secure SCP-047 they then take it to their researchers and have them begin testing SCP-047 (they won't know which SCP it is). During the testing the rusted canister begins to evaporate very slowly, almost unnoticeable to the researchers, and the more they move and mess with the iron gas tank the more is evaporates and unleashes a gas. This gas has no effect of humans, or eukaryotes for that matter. But is heavily effect/mutates prokaryotes. While the researchers well...research, the gas begins to mutate the microbacteria on the human skin of the researchers and begin to affect them severely. They begin to feel symptoms of Propionibacterium 047-A which is a strand of Propionibacterium acnes. MTF or CI military members begin to quarantine the researchers or RnD members and notify other researchers about the outbreak and call them to evaluate and document the outbreak. What happens is the outbreak turns from skin-to-skin transmission to skin-to-skin and arial transmission, symptoms act faster, mortality rates go from 40% to 2.3%, this is another version of Propionibacterium 047-A, but will be documented as Propionibacterium 047-A-GL for future researchers looking at the outbreak. The MTF/CI Military and other researchers will begin getting infected and then spreading the disease to other members (Just spawning in zombies in either foundation or CI base). As word spread throughout CI or foundation comms, the 2 sides begin to talk to each other about the situation. The 2 sides SF (whichever SCP-047 is located) will then work together to recontain SCP-047 (or CI will work the foundation or vise versa if allowed, if not then only the SF will work together) by taking out the infected facility or CI members. During this event research and maintenance will work on finding a way to contain and dispose of the bodies and research will also work with medical to attempt to find a cure or antibiotic for Propionibacterium 047-A-GL. In the end CI and foundation SF (and MTF if in the foundations hand) have killed all turned foundation members (zombies), maintenance found a way to stop SCP-047 from making contact with oxygen, al well as medical or CI sawbones finding a cure/antibiotic for Propionibacterium 047-A-GL. Everything returns to normal, SCP-047 Propionibacterium 047-A-GL has been stopped and documented and will be used as reference of what can happen if SCP-047 were to be released upon the world. Just the luck of Site-05.
    Endnote- This event is very situationally based, it can change depending of what the people on the server do making it able to change in the end or not. That's why I like it because it's not set it stone, it's up to the people to decide how it ends.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes

    What is your favorite SCP? Why? I don't really have a favorite SCP but if I had to choose it would be SCP-682. I like the mystery behind it and how scary he is. How nothing in the foundations arsenal can kill it and just how it operates is a mystery. Thats why I like every SCP as they all tend to be like that. Hopefully if I do get accepted into event team I will have a favorite by the end of it.

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