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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. In-game Name: [GL]Jackwebb1112


    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:102743983


    DiscordID: Jackweeb1112#8101


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): RnD

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 7/10

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)
    Well I've already joined once before and did pretty good if I say so but decided to leave to join E11. I have been wanting to come back for a while but I didn't want to get rid of one of my lives for RnD since both my lives are command lives. But as of around 4 mins ago the life rank was decreased to researcher so I decided to come return. I should be in CI I have pretty good combat skills and the 2 test I did before leaving I think we're pretty good, I say that because...they were never graded. I would like to join back as I really did enjoy and I have always wanted to return but wasn't able to as well.


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?
    My past experience in RnD as well my command and hcmd experience as well as staff.


    How active can you be? 7-10/10


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: yes

  2. -support
    His intentions was pure but his execution was not. Sadly it is breaking the rules and having an argument that everyone else is doing it doesn't make it valid, I've seen it done and flew down there and just said don't do it again. But it's the staff members discretion if a warn should be handed out, and saying it should of been a verbal is not a valid reason nor argument any more.

  3. +support
    *raises pan to strike crystal for joining a branch besides medical*
    Seriously crystal would be a good pick for CI. I highly recommend crystal for CI and would love for him to join.

    • Laughing 2
  4. I understand why the rule is in place. If I had 3 lives to say, I can be command in all 3 MTF branches, that gives you a decent amount to say, espacially if your HCMD in one of those branches, almost enough power of the DoTF. I can see that being a major issue espacially if they aren't ready or deserving of that kind of power. But and a big BUT, I believe every branch shouldn't cost a life at the beginning, like the starting rank or 2. It would boost activity in all branches and people don't have to leave one they enjoy to take a gamble on a new branch that they may or may not like.

  5. bruh I wasn't one of the people included 😞 Seriously you were an amazing command member and remember when you were first getting through security, back we we started our jack war. Please stay on the server and on jack so we can still hang out!

    • Like 1
  6. Medical Researcher- Everyone has the whitelist to the job. Also needs the ability to spawn medical supplies.

    Medical Command- Needs the ability to whitelist for medical researcher when the whitelist are fixed.

    Department Head- Needs the ability to whitelist for medical researcher when the whitelist are fixed.

    Advanced Combat Medic- Needs /mtf comms

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