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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. pretty sure E11 combat engineer and all MTF engineer type classes can only use 1 single barricade. Only techs can do it and I think if MTF ask technical to make a barricade then I think they should be able to use as many props and all sorts since you know, it's good RP and I don't think MTF would ask technical to do that. But on the rare occasions I think they should. Besides that. I mean if you don't agree for the technical part I still gonna +support I just think making technical not be apart of this because it can actually be apart of some noice RP. Besides all that +support. 

  2. I understand how it can be misread and if that was the case then yes. After this I will probably make a suggestion to clear up 457 rules. But you guys are using text based off of the breaching rules and not his general rules so I don't see that as a defense, but I can again see how it can be misread since the general rules are not that very well stated.

  3. 7 hours ago, Jakub said:

    -support, rules do not have any specific information on 457 re containment procedures and don't specify how many people have to be spraying him and for how long.

    The only specification in the rules that tell us how many people need to spray him and for how long are in the self breach prevention rules:mhzksver.png

    so as you can see this is probably the reason he was counting to 10.


    that is for his breaching. Not him being recontained, I do understand that the rules of 457 is a little blurry and I think it needs some updating. But it does say thin in the "self breaching" part of 457 and not his rules. So I still believe orange was in the wrong BUT if it was just him misreading the MOTD then I don't mind it.

  4. +/- support
    I mean it does state on utility, research, and security command can only call in E11, that I do know. But I believe both parties just didn't know due to the E11 SOP and the suggestion to change the MOTD. I know this isn't an excuse but I believe both parties understand what they did wrong and I think that's what truly matters and as long as they don't do it again I don't think a warn is needed. (you can perceive this as a +support  with  advice kinda, I would do +support but I don't think they need a warn.)

  5. Your in game name: Jack

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102743983

    The player's in game name: CI LTCMDR Orange

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:121830468

    What did the player do: He was 457 and well, we had 5 fire extinguishers to him,  he didn't stop. I would say "well it takes a bit to stop burning after you put out the swep" but when he was cuffed we all stopped burning almost instantly. I also would like to not he never did switch off of his swep and had full knowledge that he wasn't supposed to do that. As you can see we are reminding him that he can't hold out his swep since there are 3+ people extinguishing him at the same time

    Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/26922021/d1337O8CFJnR

    What do you believe should happen to the player: A warn for FailRP

    Any extra information: Before I got there you can see in the video that 4 other people has fire extinguishers and I'm very positive (but can't confirm due to lack of evidence) that he was also not switching off his swep for that time as well.

  6. +support
    The model we use is alright, but isn't really terrifying and doesn't make me really want to run away. BUT WITH THE FUCKIN UNITY MODEL I'LL RUN AWAY EVEN FASTER THEN RUNNING FROM 682 MY GOD IS IT UGLY, TERRIFYING AND ALL AROUND HIDEOUS. But, I think it's needed to add that creep factor because it adds another layer of anxiety when going past 173 and wondering "Is that horrifying beast out of containment?" Also I think would increase the need of janitorial of cleaning it because, who would honestly want THAT out of containment. Hell I think CI would avoid it and also help us reconatin it.

  7. +support
    To have a gun when you have literally tentacles doing [REDACTED] to a person's [REDACTED] is you know...not really smart. I agree his swep needs to be buffed and honestly a re-working of his swep would be even better. He just needs to be buffed all around. While teaming with CI and D-class is lore friendly, wouldn't also be smart to team up with personnel to induct them into a state of comfort then backstab them to gain access to lets say, LCZ and into the armory right off the bat. I think the person playing as 035 should have the ability to pick his own battles and situation to give 035 a completely different feel then every other SCP. With that being said, this brings an entire new role play experience into the table. Him being able to rat out CI to gain trust with MTF for a short while then betraying them is pretty clever espacially as it can be done in many ways. Or teaming with CI to lure foundation personnel where CI are located. Or D-class to overall help him escape. I like this idea a lot and really want this added.

  8. +/- support
    I know it can be edited to make certain things unable to be placed down. But I sadly forgot how to do such a thing but hopefully SMT know how. If so I think it could be given to HCMD and maybe even LCMD since I think they are trustworthy. Anything under is a no from me. I think this would be very nice but again, it is easy to abuse but again it could also be edited, either way it would be nice to have (espacially if LCMD get it and not just HCMD).

  9. -support
    I would say yes, because I know you can handle yourself and a majority of people can as well and mainly do what their CC is meant to do. Heal, fix, clean, or research. But some people can't and use their CC as more of an MTF CC then a medical, technical, janitorial, or research CC. Examples are Dr. Slime and baguette and nurse peggu. If this was allowed then I think people like them (not saying that those people are bad, I have nothing against them just using them as an example) then it can be abused and then just become a cheeper, not as good gensec CC or MTF CC.

  10. +support
    This suggestion was well thought and planned out. A lot of effort was put into this and it shows, as well as research behind what creamey is trying to add. Everything seems solid. In total it will add 8.145 MB which is a tad bit high but for an entire SCP it is low. The amount of RP this thing would add makes me want to do some noice test. I wouldn't mind this being added to the glass CC's at first and then the SCP's being moved to the new HCZ addon that was accepted when the map change occurs. Besides that this would just be nice to add 

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