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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. What is your in-game name?: Jack

    What is your steam name?: [GL]Jackwebb1112

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:102743983

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I worked with an old darkRP server for 5/6 years strait and helped manage that server. I have experience setting up ULX stuff for smaller servers my friends have created, none kicked off sadly but I still have majore experience with ULX as well as job as jobe coding, addon additions, and job editing on those servers as well. I'm not the best at job addition but I still know my way around it for the most part. I have been moderator for 7 weeks and 2 days 

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) dec, 8, 2019 (I joined a few days prior but that's my first screenshot on steam on the server.)

    What date did you make your forums account? may, 12, 2020

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Moderator

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? I have 3

    The 2 warning I have on SCP are old and I have learned a lot from my past mistakes. For the recent one on PRP me and multiple staff members of PRP, including the one who warned me, all agreed that the warn was false after talking about what happened and the staff member apologised after he realized it was a false warn.

    Have you donated? Yes. On this account I have donated 1057 and on my old account I think 200. In total $1257

    What rank are you applying for? Senior Moderator

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No.

    Have you read the staff guidelines at.
    Yes I have and re-read them multiple times a week.

    Timezone: Central 

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Zeus, Glados, inaccurate

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    Well I have been staff for a good while now and have been doing pretty well I believe. I'm happy to say that I've only had 2 sits where a ban or an excessive punishment was required and I'm proud of that, some could say that it's because I'm lucky or taking the simple sits. But I believe that it's because I explain in full the reasoning to the person being punished why they are and if they still don't understand i help them understand why, I use logic and facts to where they can't physically deny that they did nothing wrong and they usually just accept the punishment. Also I am lucky that I haven't had any major situation go down where a ban or excessive punishment is required. I also am fairly active in game on admin and I usually to always hop on staff when other are not hopping on, which I'm cool with and is why I love being staff, to assist the current staff when they are busy or AFK and are unable to flag up or not wish to. I love helping people out as much as possible and I wish to continue doing so, also receiving a higher would mean I would be able to do so with more ease and precision. With the ability to ban for 4 hours I will be able to keep people who are breaking major rules off the server for well...4 hours, instead of just a kick where they can hop right back on I'll be able to keep them away for enough time for someone else to issue the proper ban that is suitable as well as required by the staff handbook.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    I will bring them to staff room 3 (my fav) and explain what they were doing wrong and explain to them that they will be warned for staff diss and mass RDM. Then explain that they will be receiving a 5 day ban. If a staff member that can ban for that amount of time is on I will request them to ban said person for 5 days, the required amount of time, and that will be the end of it. If no staff that can ban for that amount of time is on I will temp ban them for 4 hours and then make a ban request as well as message someone with the correct staff rank to implement the correct ban time.

    Please pick and answer one of the questions only if applying for Senior Moderator. If applying for Admin pick two and answer them. If applying for Senior Admin you must answer all three. Answering more than the required amount of questions for the rank you are applying for will result in your application being denied.

    Q1: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?
    I will separate them in the staff room and talk to them individually to calm them down as well get their side of the story, once I get everyone story I will bring them together to explain what I will do from the information I collected. It would take extra time but would be the most effective way to avoid arguing as well as just overall a waste of time and energy.

  2. Bruce you're an amazing guy from the few instances I was able to talk with you. You are 100% someone who I would wish to be staff but I feel you did it to early. Please take what people respond with and try fixing your app for next time. Like I said I do want you to become staff but you did it to early and you need to fix a good bit of your app for next time, as well getting your name out there as well making sure you meet the requirement that you need to become staff!

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, October said:


    Here’s some context, 

    The pro cracker used to be a flat 15 seconds compared to the regular being 30. Then the system was changed so it’s 5 seconds per clearance level vs 7. 10 seconds to open a level 2 door is very strong. Buffing it any more would make it near impossible to prevent d-class/CI breaching everything. What I would support instead is making it 5 seconds for the pro and 10 for the normal so then we go back to the old numbers of 15 vs. 30 seconds to get through a checkpoint, but I imagine this would be universally hated by those who use keypad crackers. The current system is fine. 

    Normally I would never quote someone. But october is just to good at sayin shit it's extremely hard not to lol. But yea this would make it to OP.

  4. +support
    It doesn't matter if the 2 were fucking around or if they were both cool with it. Comrade was attacking a command member and surge stepped in to protect him, and AOS would not doing anything in the CURRENT situation. Just like if you see maynard attacking a command member what would you do, try to kill/stop maynard from killing the command member or call an AOS on maynard, let him kill the command member, then run away and have MTF on a goose chase when they could be doing more important business, or just have it be over with before all that happens. It shouldn't of been RDM as he was assisting a command member in battle, he had an RP REASON to kill comrade, in the MOTD that states that it is not RDM.

    • Like 1
  5. +support
    He may not be the most active due to reasons and other stuff, but he is the perfect person for command. He has been in technical for a super long time, espacially senior tech, and he has been maintenance expert for a while as well. He is the perfect person I would choose for the amount of experience he has, he is fun to play with and respects all the rules of the branch and the server. I highly recommend tricktroll for this command position as his dedication for maintenance is absurd, throughout his time on the server he has only joined a 2 branches and I think left them both to focus on maintenance. He is the most deserving of this position and can't wait for him to get command 🙂

  6. BRUH WHY 😞
    You were an amazing command member and I loved working alongside you even if we weren't command in the same branch. You did amazing work for janitorial and maintenance and you will always be welcomed back to utility.

    7/25/20 never again lol

  7. -support
    Literally almost every gun suggestion is used by D-class and D-class CC's. They already give gensec a hard time as it is, in my opinion D-block is already balanced and it's very hard to keep that balance, why threaten that when it's already pretty balanced.

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