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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. DENIED!!!
    After talking with garry, we have decided to deny this request, you may reapply in 1 week.

    Seriously tho sad to see you go. I remember talkin with ya when I first joined the server like 7-8 months ago, or whenever I joined idk at this point. We vibed instantly, I loved talkin with ya and just fucking around on 05 staff, espacially taking those photos of mike and kami {DATA EXPUNGED] and all that stuff. If you come back I can't wait to fuck around with ya even more. Seya mate

  2. I would say an acception to CI but sometimes they don't shoot and they will complain. I'm trying to avoid complaints and arguments, I will add being cuffed as a reason to attack...but I feel the reasons I said would cover that but I will add it.

  3. -support
    gonna be honest you should count yourself lucky you werent perma'd before. You were givin plenty of chances and even more than the majority of players who didn't even mean to say a homophobic or racial slur and it just came out of their mouth. You obviously meant to say those words and more.

  4. I looked into the laws because I myself thought it was under creative commons, which it is. But if there is a way to obtain goods through someones elses work it then isn't protected by creative commons. As such people can either purchase 173, or purchase levels to obtain the SCP since it is level based. The only way for it to be under creative commons is if it is completely free and no way to purchase, allowing people to instantly hop on the SCP which isn't the best option as people can hop on the SCP and minge and RDM.

  5. +support
    I don't seem them needed to enter HCZ unless they have an escort. As you stated it's either 1 or the other and I would much rather be unable to enter HCZ then remove the 2 min NLR. I already wait 3 min because of habit but I feel that gensec CC's are needed to hold down D-block as the regular security do not have the guns capable of fighting D-class with guns and CI (if CI are raiding) and if a lot of them are killed than enough they will be unable to hold down D-block. CC's are there as a safety net for security.

  6. What are you suggesting? - I am suggesting that a non-combatant RoE is added to the rules under foundation staff. The rule I am requesting is that "Non-combatants (research, utility) are only able to shoot an enemy if shot upon, hit, attacked in any form or fashion as well as being cuffed,  or threatened by a weapon (while not under fearRP)."

    How would this change better the server? - This is the rule of thumb around non-combatants that only shoot if shot at but I've also been told and taught that you can attack if you feel threatened. That rule is extremely broad and makes things confusing towards CI and D-class. What is the border of feeling threatened or not, how can you staff that issue if all the player has to say is "I felt threatened." and the person gets off scot free. This would also add this rule "only shoot if shot at." in the MOTD it self instead word to word or branch rules and would make things a lot simpler. 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I don't see any besides making RDM harder as it removes this excuse. (this is for those RDM'ers out there)

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - non-combatants, CI, D-class or any other "enemies" 

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - nope.

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