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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. -support
    That would just ruin everything for every branch. MTF: MTF Would be constantly running around attempting to feed SCP's and recontain them as well as dealing with CI general, that would be way to much. CI: Raiding would be a nightmare dealing with MTF as well as the entirety SCP Wiki attacking them. Utility: While it would create things for maintenance to do but some are not high enough rank to enter HCZ so they require MTF escort, well the MTF are dealing with the SCP's and won't have enough time to escort said maintenance. Medical won't receive any RP whatsoever because medbay will be closed constantly because of it being defcon 2 or the SCP being in LCZ. Security: With MTF being hella busy with SCP's and with D-class constantly and with it being hands up, D-class will be fed and up just murder gensec and making LCZ just pure hell. Research: With Security and MTF dealing the the constant SCP's and D-class research won't be able to well....d0 research, if the SCP's are in LCZ they won't even be able to leave bunks. An overall no from me.

  2. -support
    AS MUCH AS IT PAINS ME TO SAY, it wouldn't be lore friendly on a already semi-serious RP server. No matter how much I would love to pan people on 076 it wouldn't lore friendly I'm sorry.

  3. 5 hours ago, Comrade Boekhom said:

    I cant be a surgeon now, since theyre gonna have new models :classic_sad: but +support

    Nooooo. I forgot about that so sorry, I was trying to distance us away from having the researchers model since well...were researchers now and would of been confusing for security and research command and such. 😞

  4. Name of Job- Surgeon
    Change to- Medical Researcher

    Job Model (model paths)-
    +add models/armacham/scientists/scientists_1.mdl
    -remove models/cultist/scp_rp/scientists_3.mdl

    Job Description-
    These medical members have proven excellence in the medical field and wish to better the foundation's medical quality. They do so by researching new medical practices and SCP’s that deal with the human anatomy in some form or fashion. As well as researching better medical practices they also use these top of the line techniques on foundation personnel in critical condition.

    Job Weapons-
    +add tfa_csgo_p2000
    +add weapon_cuff_elastic
    -remove tfa_csgo_glock18

    Job Salary-

    Job HP-


    Job Armor-

    Extra Info (Workshop links for models)-



    Name of Job- Field Medic


    Job Model-


    Job Description-

    Job Weapons-
    +add- tfa_csgo_fiveseven
    -remove tfa_csgo_glock18

    Job Salary-

    Job Model-



    Job Armor-



    Name of Job- Senior Medic


    Job Model-


    Job Description-

    Job Weapons-
    +add tfa_m92beretta
    +add weapon_cuff_elastic
    -Remove tfa_csgo_usp


    Job Salary-

    Job Model-

    Job Armor-


    Name of Job- Advanced Combat Medic


    Job Model-
    +add models/nikout/fallout/wintercombatarmorfemalepm.mdl

    Job Description-

    Job Weapons-
    +add tfa_csgo_ump45
    +add weapon_cuff_elastic
    -remove tfa_f2000

    Job Salary-


    Job Model-

    Job Armor-


    Extra Info-
    Extend the slots from 3 to 5.
    Add MTF Coms (not task force specific) 

    For the short time you were here I enjoyed your time. I appreciated that you decided to medical over any other branch. You will always have a spot in medical. Also not to add you were one of the more active command members.

  6. 1 hour ago, Skela said:

    Something I wanna suggest: I wanna see wardens being able to protect personals. Like command wise. Honestly I think that will be a cool addition, cause only guys really protecting is RRH and even then, they protect Oh five. 

    I would love for this to be added. It gives some RP to a branch in my opinion would love it. It gives new atmosphere to those few who are selected. Also might add a feel or more importance and self worth to those who are escorting people who are higher than themselves, not that they don't matter I'm just saying it makes them feel accomplished and over all happy.  I would love to vibe with a warden in medbay and just do some cool shit with him. I also feel with will add to branch relations as it will extend the contact between each other and HOPEFULLY strengthen these bonds. Again I would love to vibe with security more in LCZ to help with some RP scenarios. I already have some ideas of what they can do *laughs maniacally* lol. In full seriousness I love this new update as I already stated and also love the idea skela said. I just love this all together lol. Now with the new update we can all just vibe together, everyone's welcome to medbay :techthumbsup:

  7. Your In-game: OFC Jack 1A26

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:102743983


    The admin's name in-game: StackableGold


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:0:130664548


    What warning did you receive: Metagame


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):



    Why do you think this warn was false: Well after words I was talking with some admins to learn more about PRP rules and while doing so I explained the situation. The person who originally called the sit broke 3 rules that started the events. I was a police officer and pulling Therapist Assault over, he was in a black SUV at the time and which I might add he was not the owner of and the owner was in the vehicle nor were in the same family and is technically carjacking as a citizen. When I was explaining what I was fining him for, reckless driving, and I was in the middle of issuing a fine. and Therapist Assault ran away from us, evading police as a citizen as well. Which is against the rules according to 2 admins. The reason why I am stating this as an argument as this stated the entire ordeal and my warn wouldn't of happened if the party who started the sit didn't break these 2 rules. Oh also in the video they also player dissed me, and the 2 officers inside the car. I will time stamp these underneath the video.


    Any extra information:
    Video of him breaking said rules:

    0:35- him running away from police.
    entire video- him technically carjacking the car. For this look on the left screen and it will say "Buddy (ABC Thunder)
    1:14- calling me, Jay, and trevor a retard
    1:17- calling us the dumb and dumber twins

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