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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. -support
    I have never heard of this glitch/bug. Since this is unknown, meaning I doubt anyone has heard of this, I don't think badaim used this glitch to intentionally exploit. He tranqed him, I'm guessing, to slow down CI by him being unable to move, but not with the intent to uncuff 682. If he didn't mean to uncuff 682 but found a glitch that does so, is that still exploiting if the intent was pure? Exploiting I feel is abusing a glitch that is already known and has been noted throughout the community, but to find a glitch and to not have intentionally do it, would that still be the same as intentionally abusing a glitch? I don't think it is so that's why I believe badaim shouldn't be punished and someone should make a bug report and hopefully this can be fixed.

  2. -support
    I would love this tbh, espacially with the new warden possibly being added. But sadly igneous and the SMT team has denied this before I think on multiple occasions. I don't really understand why but it's their decision not mine and I respect that.

  3. Grade- 83/85

    Creativity- 25/25 I would of never of thought that coating the liver in metformin would help cease diabetes

    usefulness- 25/25 This will certainly help the world of medicine  better itself with practices of metformin. This can help many of people with the terrible disease and hopefully redact this disease from many.

    Writing- 25/25 No mIstakes!

    Presentation- 8/10 I wouldn't mind sprucing up the google doc a little, for the most part it does what is needed and that's what truly matters. But again could look a tad bit better.

    Lore- Since you didn't use an SCP this will not be used.

  4. let's do it gamers. Let's make 2020 a good year by having gaminglight con in orlando florida.
    Were going to have cosplay
    SMT signatures
    HCMD get VIP access
    Also with a 1 in a lifetime zeeptin signed golden pan, with real gold
    Q and A with SMT and even zeeptin
    Also you'll be chillin with the boys

    • Like 1
    • Laughing 1
  5. Grade- 76/100 not bad but had to be reasonable

    Creativity- 25/25 who would of thought a kidney couldn't work outside of a human body. But I would of never of thought of it.

    usefulness- 10/25 I mean not really useful but I guess is good to know that kidney transplants will be impossible.

    Writing- 24/25 Fairly good writing with a few mistakes

    Presentation- 10/10

    Lore- 7/10 I mean IRL we can but I guess your rolls were pretty bad. Also no SCP was used so I'm using IRL as a replacement.

  6. +Support
    Cogs is an amazing member of SCP and would be the person I choose to get forums diplomat. He's the one person I know who doesn't have a hint of bias in him. He has shown initiative to try to fix things between CI and security for SCP-RP relating to branch relations. An amazing app as well, hell if I was going for forums diplomat I would rather him get picked then me.

    • Thanks 1
  7. +support
    Even if his activity is a little lacking that is fixable and I hope he will fix. Besides that the man's sits are amazing. He shows professionalism in every sit I've seen him do as well as a really good guy. Well deserved of this position and I hope hje gets it.

  8. -support
    As it would be nice but there are multiple issues with this. 1. How would classes get it, put it in the F4 menu if possible. What about CC's it would be pretty hard to make sure they all have it and then add it to new ones. 2. A lot of the comments are filled with concerns about the mod and how it doesn't work right or another thing. If it is tested on a test server and works then yea I would enjoy it.

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