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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. +support
    You seem like a pretty nice candidate. You do have a lack of experienced but you seem pretty determined to get staff and I'm hoping with that you are determined to learn as well. Question 16 is a little short and isn't the best but I'm assuming that is just the lack of experience. I still think we should give you a shot for you to gain the experience :techthumbsup: 

  2. -support
    Then are you asking for the rule if you are in active combat you can't be fearRP'd. Because the point of having ANY weapon out is to be ready to fight, at least that's how it should be. Let's say a coldsilver is walking to gate a with the FG out, and 4-5 CI pop out of nowhere and fearRP him. A coldsilver is supposed to be the pinnacle of strength and combat skills, I'm very sure he will fight to the death on any scenario and would never surrender. This can cause many problems as CI can capture many more people with this and vise versa. Especially SF who it is extremely hard to obtain and would just cause many upon many of arguments in OOC and would just worsen branch relations. But I understand if someone is just holding out a pistol and is alone and lets say a researcher or utilitarian. So maybe a change of scenario this would totally work but could also just fuck up a lot of things.

  3. +support
    A valid reason I believe is just use common since (even tho common sense isn't common any more). But seriously it's up to E11 command and foundation command to just use common sense to determine if it's a valid reason. Like I said E11 can deny request to enter the facility and has happened before. For command they need to think if it's a valid reason like "Security is under staffed and D-block isn't the best as of now. E11 please assist them for the time being." or "Nu7 understaffed, E11 please help them with feeding SCP's." or stuff like that. I also feel staff can intervene if it's obviously a waste of time like having E11 arrest a monkey or E11 to stay and help maintenance clean the floor or something obviously stupid.

  4. +support
    There are a lot of mixed support on here but I believe we should give him a chance. His warn was a while ago and has seen to improve from then. Your app seems to be extremely good and well thought out and has a lot of effort put into it. Your extremely active as well as really nice. But you do tend to minge when on research and do other things people see as not right. This is something that is fixable and by the time you get ET and such you have improved past this point. I fully support you getting ET and believe you can fix the issues that you current have and then strive to better yourself and improve the things that make you a good researcher and a good candidate for ET. Good luck!

  5. -support
    Love the new format. This is a branch issue and there are trainers on the server, just either 1. When you were trying to be trained is when no one is on (most of the server are US players and some UK and Asian time zone players). 2. You were just unlucky and no trainers were on at the time. 3. People were on but just didn't want to train. Or 4. You are somehow on a Do Not Train in which they can't physically train you.

  6. 19 minutes ago, October said:

    This is why I would only +support it if it doesn’t benefit medical because they aid MTF and GENSEC and it would be an unfair buff to them. 


    3 hours ago, Orange 🍊 said:

    If this was to be added it would also indirectly buff security due to more availability to healing, I would be all in to have a full plus support if securities NLR is set back 3 minutes.

    Like I said. Medbay should be locked down making it physically impossible to go to security to heal them unless they are already in D-block or havn't been killed. With MTF coming through medbay they won't stop and ask for heals unless all of CI are dealt with, trust me I know they will ignore is even if we tell them they need heals, so you don't need to worry about that. Also it's not like you do the same this having sawbones heal you after a fight so I don't see the reason we can't, espacially since it's a slim chance we can even heal them.

  7. +support
    Just because it's a combat branch doesn't mean it can't have RP. That's saying that because utility can't have a combatant class since it's a non-combatant branch. CI is literally trying to add a RnD combatant class so that argument is invalid at this point.

  8. +Support
    He does an extremely good job as E11 VCMDR. Also he did the right thing. No matter how you word it did the right thing and reported a staff member for refusing to do his job he signed up for. You can say he "betrayed a friend" But in the end he did what was right, even if it was a friend, and it must of been hard to do. If anything this makes him even better as it shows he's not biased and does what is right, even if friend. It shows that he is not biased and will do the right thing even if it hurts him or a friend. I don't see what he did to be wrong as he did the right thing and I also believe that it is not a valid reason to -support. Also to say he did it for a rank or for his own gain is honestly disgusting. For the app itself it is really good and is well known and does his job right.
    Sorry if this comes off as rude are trying to start an argument. It's not and is purely stating my opinion, I apologize if you do feel offended or is seen as starting an argument.

    • Dislike 1
  9. +support
    1048-A can actually be very powerful if used right. As I've been able to be breached for literally over an hour and killing over 100 people in that span. But most people don't know how to use him so yea they just instantly die. I would love for this to be implemented as I can go on an even greater killing spree 

  10. also just to note activity shouldn't be used as an argument because that can fluctuate and change. If you are talking on a based description between CI classes and MTF. CI should have better classes all around to duel with a 3v1. I understand as of late CI has had a huge boost in activity and MTF has been slacking but that is going to change down the line because it's always been that way with every branch. 

    • Like 1
  11. 54 minutes ago, October said:

    I’m probably about to get a bunch of thumbs down for this comment but -support. 

    Initially before I joined O9 I was firm believer that CI needed to be the best and the strongest and they deserved the best weaponry. I still partially believe that, but MTF classes are far behind in their load outs. No offense to Bread, but this is like when he purposely put the overpowered famas on Nu7 to gain an advantage except you did that all across the board. You can call me “mad cuz bad” (admittedly I am bad lol), but still this is unfair. 

    O9 and CI are meant to be more of a stalemate, and after 1 day in O9 I can partially understand why we have less activity. It’s because of CI being so much stronger than us. The E4 class is a perfect example of you blatantly attempting to buff CI. You traded 2 mediocre weapons for better weapons. Both the Winchester and vikhr outclass the weapon previously filling it’s role. 

    CI is meant to be stronger then a single MTF branch because it's a 3v1. If it was a stalemate between a single branch, let alone 3. It would it literally impossible to raid.

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