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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. -support
    Just a voice range amp which we already have. We have been using TS, discord, and adverts in chat which work perfect as is. If this was a placeable entity and which it connect to said entity props and your voice travels to each individual prop then that would be hella epic but sadly I don't think it's possible.

  2. -support
    682 swep is already pretty good and 682 as a hole is very balanced. Also this would be hard to manage on a MTF side and staffing side as this would create a lot of conflict and a lot of arguments in OOC and while in a sit.  It would just be a big o'le hasle. 

  3. - support
    The only way I would ever +support this is if 999 doesn't have a medkit any more. Because I know that people in D-block will beg 999 for heals instead of going to medbay/medics. I know people can say "it's manageable" yes it sorta is but no one will report him because well...there getting healed. Also there are other SCP's allowed so yea.

  4. +support
    this man is an amazing person and even better medic. He is the best choice as of now and fully backup him applying. He is active and is amazing in RP, I know he would fit the team perfectly and I know he will keep the 05 redacted peeps fully healed.

  5. +support
    These SCP's are pretty useless as of now. When I was a surgeon I legit 1v1 a crab and won using the five seven. As for the raptors I honestly never see them or and let alone breach so I think this can give some more appeal to play them. The only thing I don't think that would work is the regeneration as that would maybe be a little to op as they are pack hunter and if they get a HP boost and a faster running speed that may just be to much. Besides that I would like to see this implemented.

  6. +support
    He is the most active hands down and I believe is the best option for senior command. I think that all of the current captains are amazing and if I was able to I would suggest to select them all. But sadly there is only 1 spot left and I think sixx is the best option. He is very approachable and kind. He has a good sense of humor and is friendly to newer players. As a medic I've been able to sit on the sidelines and get a good view of how all security command act, oversee their peeps, and overall act and I again believe that sixx acts the best. He acts professional but still with enough humor to not act overbearing or act like everything matters. I fully support sixx getting senior command and I'm hoping he gets it. Good luck to everyone who applies.

  7. -support
    As good in theory but this would just hurt CI because I mean, as said above they fail the majority of rolls to turn off the lights or cut on the teslas. I understand it adds a risk factor but I mean I don't think it's needed, also it's would just complicate things a little and would possibly start arguments and shit just another headache.

  8. +support
    This goes for both sides, and I understand this doesn't happen most of the time or even half the time. But I think it would be nice to have to avoid any arguments or hatred towards one another for future trades. As this can be seen as annoying and honestly just a dick move. I understand that it doesn't make much lore sense but this is a semi-serious RP server. If they pay the money requested and followed each others orders, then it should go smoothly. If MTF bring another person then CI can request lets say a fee of sorts. Or if CI overprice something then I mean, MTF can negotiate...ye. I think MTF can raid ONLY if it's the first thing they do, and if they fail. CI just boost the price and MTF have to pay it.

  9. +support
    My philosophy is that as long as your not breaking a major rule (like lets say micspam) and everyone is cool with it and no one has complained, then I wouldn't care because I feel that should only be a rule if someone is against it. But it's your response to him asking you to stop which is why I'm +supporting this. You started the arguments and someone was upset about this, in that case just understand that they don't believe what your doing is write (it is against the MOTD) and you should say "Sorry, I didn't know I was upsetting you or annoying you, I'll stop" and return to your duties. I'm very positive that no one would of been angry. But your response is again the reason why this report was made and is why I'm +supporting this.

  10. cornbread man, MY HEART, IT CRACK. But seriously you were and still are amazing. The way you talked about janitorial and I think actually did research on shit for ingame RP is aq inspiring. You were an amazing janitor and an even better friend. I hope you come back to reclaim your of brooms and mops 🙂

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