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Everything posted by Star

  1. Application Accepted Thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. At this time, the O5 Council has decided to accept your application. Please contact any available O5 Council member in-game to receive your on-boarding. Congratulations! ~O5-2 'The Way'
  2. Star


    Application Denied Thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this application at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your application, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 1 week.
  3. Application Denied Thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this application at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your application, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 1 week.
  4. Application Accepted Thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. At this time, the O5 Council has decided to accept your application. Please contact any available O5 Council member in-game to receive your on-boarding. Congratulations! ~O5-2 'The Way'
  5. Application Accepted Thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. At this time, the O5 Council has decided to accept your application. Please contact any available O5 Council member in-game to receive your on-boarding. Congratulations! ~O5-2 'The Way'
  6. Application Denied We thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this application at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your application, your aim, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 1 week.
  7. Application Denied We thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this application at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your application, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 1 week.
  8. Applaction Denied We thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this applaction at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your applaction, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 1 week.
  9. Application Denied We thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this Application at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your application, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 2 weeks.
  10. Application Denied We thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this Application at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your application, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 1 week.
  11. Application Denied We thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this Application at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your application, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 1 week.
  12. Application Denied We thank you for your interest in joining the MTF Alpha-1 Red Right Hand Program. However, the O5 Council has decided to deny this Application at this time. This could be due to behavioral issues, your application, or other reasons unbecoming of Alpha-1 members. You may reapply in 1 week.
  13. Name: star Rank: o5 Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): steam__2784762 Discord ID (Example: Hex-G#0702): 204661777512923136 Current Sub-Branches your in: all Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 100+ words): i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. i think i should retain my rank because i do good. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: no
  14. Denied. The SCP-RP SMT has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
  15. This is something that would require a map update and as such will be denied at this time. Currently, we are looking at doing either monthly or bi-monthly map updates, so it may be considered when we begin planning our next one. For now, however, this suggestion will be denied.
  16. Denied. The SCP-RP SMT has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
  17. The Brotherhood of Cheese The Alien Event Flashlight Fight Jayden blowing up RRH dying Camouflage These are my main clips from Site-50. I have some more, but not nearly as memorable as these.
  18. +Support This used to be on the server but was removed for whatever reason. As long as it causes no issues to the server, I believe this would be a great addition. However, I do believe it was removed as it wasn't used much and took some space. (I could be completely wrong as I'm just going off my memory)
  19. If I understand what you're saying with this, then all the damage on the server that is dealt will be equivalent to a headshot's damage. It would definitely take a lot of the fun out of PvP
  20. You probably won't read this since you made the post on the one day where I work literally all day, so I couldn't respond right away. Anyways, it was a pleasure to have worked with you for so long in Site Administration and even HCMD. I remember when we originally had the Joint channels set-up and were constantly fighting over who would make the Joint Announcements. Even though we had our disagreements, I'm glad we were able to get you up to LCZ Manager before you left, so you could help out Utility with their needs and whatnot. Thanks for everying Sixx. See you soon (hopefully (possibly))
  21. Site Administration Members The Administrator: TBD Ethics Committee Chairman: Piller Ethics Committee: TBD O5 Council: Weiss, Toasty(O5-10) Site Director: TBD LCZ Manager: TBD HCZ Manager: Blackbeard Director of Containment: Fool Director of Research & Security: Drizzle Director of Intelligence: Curtis Director of Logistics: Spider Site Administration Documents Site Administration SOP Command Guidelines Code of Ethics
  22. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 week.
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