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Frog last won the day on May 18

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Master (13/14)

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  1. Just pointing out that looking through the comments on that addon, it looks like the developer abandoned the project years ago and many bugs have gone unfixed, which is not ideal.
  2. DENIED Your account will not be recieving an unban, either because you are a blacklisted member, or because your ban is deemed valid by SMT. Failure to follow format
  3. DENIED Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas!
  4. DENIED Your account will not be recieving an unban, either because you are a blacklisted member, or because your ban is deemed valid by SMT
  5. Bug reports are filled out here: https://forms.clickup.com/1261637/f/16g25-3725/66EE3Y5V6M8GNZVZX7
  6. Accepted If you do anything else wrong you will be re-banned immediately
  7. ACCEPTED Your warn will be removed.
  8. ACCEPTED Your warn has been removed!
  9. @Big Drago your side? @InstantRamen do you have a clip of the sit?
  10. DENIED You doxxed someone on another community's forums, you will not be unbanned.
  11. Frog

    Pinks is back

  12. @Jacstur You've barely played the server in the past 6 months, stop -Supporting stuff without recent experience on the community.
  13. ACCEPTED Thank you for your report! The specified member will be punished accordingly by an SMT member
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