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Noshow last won the day on February 29

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  1. What do you want to see?: A tool that allows people to spawn one NPC at a time Why should we add it?: I believe a way for Gamemasters or anyone hosting SIM/Events the tool would be very beneficial, with Simulations most are done in small areas and if you want to put down NPCs in the small area they NPCs normally get stuck in each other, get stuck in a wall, no collide the props, or take tons and tons of spawns for them to fit in those areas. I also think this tool would be just overall very useful for Gamemasters. What are the advantages of having this?: There is many advantages to having a tool that would allow you to spawn NPCs one at a time. Firstly, the NPC Placement, right now it is super hard to face NPCs a Certain way or have them in certain formations without it taking 3+ minutes for a singular spawn pad. With a way to spawn NPCs one by one you could fit them into smaller areas, spawn them in formations, and avoid NPCs no-colliding your Props. Another advantage of having this tool would assist with pre-spawning NPCs, with the spawn pads it takes more NPCs per pad but with this you could easily spread out of the NPCs more and not have to worry about Ground Command making 20 OOC Announcements about not pushing up to far or people just running past the droids as they would already be there. I think with the NPCs being one by one events could be a lot more realistic and there wouldn't just be red and green pads scattered all over the floor and NPCs appearing out of mid air as they would already be in just the players sight. Who is it mainly for?: Gamemasters, JMT & SMT Links to any content: N/A (All the Ones of Workshop didn't function well)
  2. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  3. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  4. Application Accepted. (Already got in with Public Interviews) Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  5. - Support - Firstly its already pretty easy to identify someone who is AOSed as almost all the models are different from each other - I think with the Server becoming more RP a giant AOS Sign Floating above someone's head isn't going to help. - Also could cause some issues with RP and Baton Arresting
  6. Noshow

    Apology to Frog

    Me personally I wouldn't apologize to frog, but that's just me tho.
  7. + Support - Good Officer - Active - Somewhat Serious
  8. +Support -Very friendly guy -good command member -Lots of experience -Good app
  9. +1 Support - The Current One is Huge and Blocks a lot of things for 12 hours of the Day
  10. + Support - Active - Friendly - Listens Well - Doesn't Act Dumb
  11. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  12. +Support - Was a Great Commander of IC, Can Easily Lead - Worked Well with him in DT - Good at DT's Objectives - Friendly
  13. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  14. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): Ω Major 3222 Atin Skirata 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Commandos 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be a commander of this branch for many reasons. The First reason I want to become a commander is to assist the other Imperial Commandos command members, senior command and high command overseer. Ways that I would assist them would be things like actively doing roster updates, doing Flag-Ups, overseeing and improving the respective sub-branch or squad that the Vice-Commander is appointed to. Another reason I want to become a commander of this branch is to help improve Imperial Commandos. Imperial Commandos are in a decent state right now, but everything can be made better with a little bit of thought, feedback and working with other people like command members. The third reason I would like to become a commander of this branch is to help out people, examples could be of me helping other people could be hosting training to help them improve their skills, promoting people that exceed expectations either in battalion or the Sub-Branch/Squad that command member oversees. The fourth reason I want to become a commander of Imperial Commandos is to reward the members of it. I would like to host simulations & training and people that exceed the expectations they are given will be rewarded by a promotion, money, privilege, or any reward for their good actions. The fifth reason I would like to become a Imperial Commando command member is to show a better role model for Imperial Commandos and improve relations with other battalions. Ways I could be a role model for Imperial Commandos and a public image for the battalion is acting mature and acting like a command member, like not randomly RDMing people, acting like an idiot and those sorts of actions. Finally, for the public relations I would host joint missions, simulations, and training with other battalions, communicate with other commanders during things like large Mega Events, and work with other battalions during events. Those are all of the main reasons I would like to become a command member of the Imperial Commandos. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? I have 2,287:50 hours on the Imperial Roleplay Server. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? There are many purposes for regiment commanders, they can range from being a good image, promoting activity, rewarding troopers, entertaining and training their troopers, document maintenance, and assisting command members. Being a Good Image, being a good image is very important as a Vice Commander or Commander, this can either be a public image of the battalion or a image/role model for the lower rankings within the battalions as most people start to adapt the behavior/actions of their higher ups as it Cleary got them somewhere. Promoting Activity, commanders promoting activity is a very important thing that they can do in many ways, public missions with the entire server, joint missions with specific battalions or sub-branches. Simulations, Trainings, how they operate during events and basically public-promotion to the server could be one way of promoting activity for their battalion, this can also be done with Flag-ups and other internal battalion things like Simulations and Trainings. Rewarding Troopers, rewarding troopers has to be one of the most important purposes of a commander, as if people don’t get rewarded for their good actions then they most likely will be discouraged to continue or completely stop trying. Ways you could reward your troopers could be giving them Galactic Credits, Promotions in Battalion, Promotions in Sub-Classes and any reward. Entertaining Troopers, it is important for command members to entertain their troopers as if there isn’t much going on the server they will just hop off and the more people on in a battalion the more people that will be encouraged to get onto the server or join the battalion. Training Troopers, training people is another important thing for command members as if their troopers aren’t good at hacking and are relied on to hack a terminal in a mission and they aren’t able to within a good time frame than that would look bad, training them also would help improve their skills in multiple ways if its team work, combat, hacking, jetpack, leadership or any training in general is important as its also some sort of entertainment with them also improving their skills. Finally and Most Importantly assisting command members, this could be other Vice Commanders and Commander, Senior Commanders and High Command. This could be with assisting with changes within the battalion could easily be document management, without command members that work well as a team and can easily assist each other it will most likely negatively impact the Battalion. Ways they can assist other command members could be Documents, Updating Rosters, hosting training, missions ,and simulations. Leading their troopers within events and basically leading their respective battalions. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?: I believe I should be trusted to be a commander for a few important reasons. Some of those reasons I believe are: I have shown dedication towards Imperial Commandos and the previous battalion I transferred from. I have also been trusted to become a Senior Administrator and Assistant Head Gamemaster for Staff and GMs. Another reason is I have completely followed all of the Imperial Commandos Guidelines and have not received any punishments, same with Death Troopers before I transferred. The fourth reason I believe I should be trusted to become a Vice Commander is because I have worked my way up to Sergeant First Class in Imperial Commandos and then Lieutenant Colonel in Death Troopers before I transferred to Imperial Commandos and went up to Major, HCO, SSS, and Omega Squad. I have also done my quota each week. I have been in IC & NCO+ Trained with Death Troopers. 7. How often can you be Online?: I am able to online everyday for at least 2 Hours at minimal, but contact wise I am basically available all the time on Discord. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): I have one Warning from 11/12/2020 on Imperial RP for RDM and Fail RP
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