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Everything posted by Mark001

  1. -Support -No forum activity. -Most encounters I've had with you are not positive, I don't dislike you but I think professionality could improve. -Missing entire question. -On the question you are not missing you failed to meet the word requirement. -Minges a bit and has a history of disrespect issues. Overall you need more time to gain maturity and respect for others. you also failed to follow the format, so that's an automatic deny.
  2. There are certain times to use the interceptor, like in pursuits the vehicle is a beast and can make cars go flying. And as much as I think the car could use some speed to go up hills its not worth all the work of finding the creator.
  3. -support Its failRP, not much to be said.
  4. This is what im talking about, thank you scor. Antonio, stfu.
  5. What you want to see? - A little note in the suicide RP rule saying that it includes suicide bombing and a rule under cop bating that includes randomly running around blowing them up. Why should we add it? - It’s not fun role play to arrive at a tac situation then get chased by a crim holding a time bomb using a grav gun. It’s also not fun to have explosions go off in front of spawn for no reason. What are the advantages of having this? - Now I still find the bombs annoying and laggy but instead of removal that most def won’t happen as long as COD gmod players breath so I’m just going to give up on that and compromise. Crim can still roleplay having bombs in a suburban town somehow and I can roleplay like I’m not in Afghanistan getting chased with bombs and seeing explosions in random areas for no RP reason. Who is it mainly for? - everyone who wants better roleplay Links to any content - N/A
  6. Also please organize the tab menu by job in each section again, its easier when doing promos at PD meetings.
  7. This and you could give platinum another table making it 4 in total giving more incentive to donate to the server. Maybe even another pot, but that might be much.
  8. +support -Reliable -Helpful -Very experienced -Trusted -Active -Professional -Patient and friendly Most definitely deserves senior admin, goodluck!
  9. +support From the logs it looks like he was killed then went back in the same minute and killed them, but since jack was not in the server at the time of the sit I just warned him. But after getting his side of the story and looking deeper into it, I think the warn wont be necessary, but I will say if you want to get your car back, don't go back to the place you died. I suggest just going to car dealership and respawning it, that would prevent any confusion in the future. A verbal will do. Here is what I saw if you are wondering: accidental 3rd picture btw
  10. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/W7z4XZ6mvUqjX/d1337Lny7JnM?invite=cr-MSxFM2wsNTAxNzMxNzMs Before I forget, I now leave this post with my favorite Duncan moment.
  11. -support Every time we change maps it tanks the player count, everyone likes Rockford. As much as I get bored of Rockford it could hurt the server to leave it.
  12. -support Low command activity is something managed by the departments EHC, if you feel this is not enforced effectively, contact PD EHC, not SMT. On top of this, if they deserve the position, its up to that departments EHC if they should be low command. You also did not address what should happen to people who currently hold 3 or more command positions. People who don't maintain proper activity in a department shouldn't be what limits people from getting command. also you mention a diverse command team, command is very diverse if you look at the rosters, and some people wanna diversify the departments they are in. Also I'm not gonna claim anything but I find it curious that you are "open to excluding EMS from this rule" and it just so happens that you only hold one command position, and that's in EMS. I understand this is an issue for some people but this is to much, harsher enforcement of activity and participation by command will do the trick.
  13. -support This post does not give any info about CAT at all, now I remember CAT and I think it should come back however a proper suggestion should be made by SS high command. Not just "Its CAT", not everyone knows what CAT is or why it should come back, so please provide more info on what they do. And how they operate, and I most definitely will give my support, but this needs to be done the proper way.
  14. +support good application, good person, dedicated to gaminglight
  15. Mark001

    Mark's HRT 48 Hour

    My only reason I'm in HRT is gone, now I'm gone too. long live Duncan, good luck HRT! (does not include FBI don't worry)
  16. The punishment for ruining our rp should not be to ruin our rp but it’s allowed.
  17. Omg, where do I even start, you are no doubt in my mind the best HRT commander I have ever seen, and one of the most honest and fun people I’ve ever been around. I will never forget the times we talked for way to damn long or the 3 hour HRT training, all of which I had tons of fun in. Mainly because of you, I really hope to see you around, you will not be forgotten.
  18. What you want to see? - Shadow banned be completely invisible and not KOS. Why should we add it? - I tell you this from both a staff and player stand point. It has ruined a lot of roleplay situations, shadow banned people will run in the middle of situations then everyone starts shooting and it ruins some actually fun situations and becomes a cluster fuck. Or someone is trying to kill a shadow banned and they kill another player instead and it becomes an RDM report which I have to deal with. Also people shoot them then the whole police department shows up and then it becomes a confusing mess, its fine if shadow banned can walk around and be bored but being visible and having to deal with the messes they cause in RP situations because KOS is plastered on them is a pain and causes unnecessary chaotic experiences for players. I'm not sure how it goes on other servers like imperial-rp, but its most likely better than this, because the whole ship fights for one side, meanwhile there is crim and police on this server, that causes issues. This will only become more frequent as the bans pile up and they realize how annoying it actually is. What are the advantages of having this? - Less pointless staff sits, more roleplay situations that don't break apart into madness, make the banned even more bored. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A
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