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Kami- Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Kami- Amaterasu

  1. If you wanna use an easier format you can use this https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N80CeMn0EpDr92CJ8mgBsKzKJHVj5hon8rCE7PzqsOU/edit
  2. these both are in the wrong format we are looking for you steam id (Find it here https://steamid.io/) and your format for discord name should be similar to this Kami- Amaterasu#0561
  3. +support this guy is literal god he stayed with CI for a bit (There was no FTO on to train him) and literally went in on a raid with us and helped kill mtf and take out two SCPs. (it was only him and NOva left)
  4. honestly hop you come back sooner rather then later.
  5. Grade: 92 Creativity: 33/35 I never really heard of anyone using 131-A/B to look at 096 So this is a new test! Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 34/40 Again with the grammar, however this log was a bit detailed and I enjoyed that. Test quality: Great Extra Notes: The logs keep growing, and so do you! Keep up the good work
  6. Grade: 85 Creativity: 30/35 I enjoyed the test idea and you got creative with the questions! Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 30/40 There seems to be a couple grammer or spelling errors throughout this test log. I suggest having someone read over to double check everything. Test quality: Good Extra Notes: I like how you put the lore into this as you wrote. Plus you did include the part of the challenge where we got 049 dislikes. Keep up the great work!
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cLg8XssyW51Tgk0sIFJicO0P69WNO4DLJlxgizG10J8/edit?usp=sharing Its been a while but Its out now
  8. you posted this in archive if you want it looked at I would put it at the actual CI thread
  9. you posted this in archive if you want it looked at I would put it at the actual CI thread
  10. Grade: 93 Creativity: 33/35 I enjoyed how you wrote this out and named it Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 35/40 I enjoyed how you put this in your perspective and how you put your own thoughts into it. (However you did forget to log your name at the end of the log) Test quality: Great Extra Notes: Its a great first test and I look forward to seeing more in the future
  11. Accepted Message a RND FTO In game to get trained.
  12. Grade: 85 Creativity: 35/35 Great IDEA! could help making some armor to go in flames however would hope that armor wont overheat. Presentation: 20/25 Other then the wonky ness of the lines played out the format is alright Writing: 35/40 As Bionicle said. Test quality: Great Extra Notes:It's a good idea and would likely help the CI as a whole to know more about 457 and how they sets aflame.
  13. Grade: 97 Creativity: 32/35 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 40/40 Test quality: Great Extra Notes: I enjoy that you did a detailed Audio log- This was really well done!
  14. Name:Kami Rank & Callsign: CPL XA20/ SRIC RC02 Discord:Kami- Amaterasu#0561 Divisions:RND/E4/Sawbones/FTO/Military Activity:Active Suggestions: N/A COMMAND ONLY: why you should retain your position? Cause i said so (But for real im also dedicated to the branch, and wish to help it thrive)
  15. you need to request access for this~ please fix it up
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a3_-_clQtHh6frFnzYRZRNIpsbHhSuCApBltMlgSl4c/edit?usp=sharing
  17. The Pre-stuff for the story ahead https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e1oHI_jwNGMyqxK9GIIlzK6o_we4M5Sw3C0knXSfDVg/edit?usp=sharing
  18. Grade: 100 Creativity: 35/35 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 40/40 Test quality: excellent This has com into a series I'm dwelled into. I'm intrigued on where you may go with this.
  19. Grade: 85 Creativity: 30/ 35 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 30/40 Test quality: good Interesting test idea- testing the behaviors of SCP's allows us to know more into how we can access them personally
  20. Well written log! I love your interaction with 049 in the Audio log very interesting.
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